L. Hushed urgency

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The water dripping off of his back echoes through the bathroom as I carefully clean his wounds. The soft sponge drags and pulls on his skin, no matter how careful I try to be.

The sound of him hissing through his teeth does nothing but make me feel bad.

"I'm sorry," I mumble, my hand finding his bare shoulder to keep him steady.

"It's fine," Keegan sighs, letting his hands rest on the cold material of the sink. His jaw tightens as the sponge brushes over a particularly tender spot, but he remains still, his trust in my touch evident, even in his discomfort.

It had been three days since the final mission regarding Spike. Things had gone well, and we ended up shutting the place down while also capturing the woman we found in the weapon room.

But when we came back, Keegan had passed out.

Ghost and I immediately brought him to the hospital wing. His injuries ended up being worse than we had expected, as the attempted planting of a chip had failed. The device had lodged itself somewhere in the muscles on his neck, nearly striking his nervous system in the wrong place. Adding to that, he was also shot in his thigh, and multiple bullets grazed his back too.

"You know.." I sigh, my gaze fixed on my task. "I thought you were done for."

He chuckles low, shaking his head slightly, "Me? Never." His voice is laced with a mixture of amusement and stubborn determination, the same spirit that has carried him through countless missions.

The corner of my mouth curls up into a smile despite the seriousness of the situation. "Should've known better."

I can tell by the way his hands grip the edge of the sink that he's in pain, though the smile on his face tells me he tries to hide it. He stretches his neck a little, though I quickly reach out. "Careful," I say softly, my fingers brushing against his skin as I guide him gently. "Don't rip your stitches."

"Ah," he mutters, his movements more cautious now. "You're right."

My fingertips linger on his skin for a moment longer than necessary and the warmth of his skin sends a shiver down my spine. As I continue cleaning his wounds, our conversation fades into a comfortable silence. The only sounds are the soft splashes of water and the occasional groan of pain from Keegan.

After a while, he lets out a contented sigh. "You've got a gentle touch, Ace."

I glance up at him, my cheeks warming at the compliment. "Well, I wouldn't want to hurt you more than you already are."

He grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Are you saying you'd like to hurt me a little?"

I roll my eyes, though I can't help but play along. "Oh, definitely. You know me, always looking for an opportunity to cause some pain."

He chuckles, wincing slightly as the movement tugs at his injuries. "I'll keep that in mind next time we're out in the field together."

Finishing up, I set the sponge aside and reach for a clean microfiber towel, gently patting his skin dry. "There.. all done."

"Thanks, Ace," he murmurs, his gaze softening as it meets mine.

"Anytime," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

The air between us feels charged with an unspoken understanding, a connection forged through battles fought side by side. As I step back, the towel in my hands, he takes a step closer, his gaze lingering on my face. Our eyes lock for a moment before my eyes glide over the rest of his maskless face.

His lips curl up into a faint smile. "You know, you make even cleaning wounds look enjoyable."

My cheeks flush, a mixture of embarrassment and amusement coloring my expression. "Is that supposed to be a compliment?"

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