(Repost) AshLyle random section (2)

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1.Karlyle has never eaten jacket potato.

2. Kyle and Karlyle usually don't care much when people say things about their relationship with their husbands. But when it comes to a love fortune teller (like Tarot) and they hear something about bad luck, Kyle will get seriously quiet. Karlyle, being his rational self, ignores it. But actually, that fortune stays in his head, making him very distressed inside.

3. What if Karlyle has a tooth cavity?

First of all, he'll be very surprised, astonished and then very upset at the fact that he has a cavity. He'll fall into a pool of shame (but his expression stays neutral in the process).

Then, still in disbelief, he'll ask the dentist to take another look. His face is expressionless but his tone is a bit scary, so the dentist has no choice but to examine it again.

But there's no doubt that he has a cavity. Every dentist in the world will have the same diagnosis.

In the end, the truth is harsh, Karlyle falls silent. Such a disaster. After that, he makes sure to brush his teeth thoroughly and takes better care of his body to make sure this never happens again....

So embarrassing.

4. Super handsome student president Karlyle x Carefree upperclassman Ash

Karlyle is often driven to school by car. Ash likes to walk around, greets the flowers that bloom along the way, says hi to people at local shops, buys coffee and greets the florist at the flower shop.

Ash will take a bus on busy days. He'll sit on the second floor. He likes being in front of the glass window, so when he was small, he often half-folded his long legs on the chair like a baby. Sometimes, he'll talk with his friends or do some sketches.

Karlyle has never walked to school. But one day, his car breaks down just a short distance away from his school. While his driver is calling for help and he is pondering what to do, it starts raining. London is always cloudy so rain coming without warning is normal.

There's only one umbrella. He intends to leave it for his driver, but he also needs to get to school. What to do now? He might get late at this rate.

At that moment, someone puts an umbrella over his head. When he looks up questioningly, he sees a pair of two-colored eyes.

"Hi." That person says, tilting his head.

"You're Karlyle, right?"

It's Ash, the famous upperclassman.

Karlyle backs away as he sees Ash, who suddenly appears. Ash is a handsome person with a strong presence, of course Karlyle knows who he is. He is a carefree person and is gifted in arts. He has won several prizes in the art department.

Ash Jones has long wavy hair and often wears casual clothes. At first glance, you won't get a clear look at his face because of his long hair. But on basketball or football days, he heard that his bare face looked amazing.

Karlyle has never seen him up close, he has only passed by him a few times. He opens his mouth on guard as the other person seems to know him.

"Hello. How can I help you?"

Ash notices that Karlyle is keeping his distance with him and being wary. So he respects that. Karlyle is one year younger than him anyway.

"You look like you are in trouble. You are on your way to school, right? I have an umbrella. Let's go together."

Then he puts his umbrella over Karlyle and gently waves it.

"Otherwise you'll be late."

His voice is so gentle that Karlyle can't refuse him.

5. Hot topic about cockroaches in the Frost family.

It all started from Kyle and Nick's twins. Kara and Gideon (haha I spoiled their kids' names) were reading Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" as a book report homework.

Kara was reading calmly, but Gideon suddenly ran to Nick.

"Papa, what if I were a cockroach?" He asked. Hearing that, Nick smiled and hugged Gideon in his arms.

"Then our Gideon will be the coolest cockroach in the world. You'll be able to fly around, so you can become a superhero, right?"

At his answer, Kara stopped reading and ran to Kyle. Then she (I'll assume Kara is a girl since I'm not sure about her gender) whispered softly to him.

"But father...cockroaches carry germs....will you be okay with that?"

Kyle put on a serious expression.

"Kara is the cleanest angel in the world. Don't worry, daddy will do anything for you." He said.

After that, Kyle and Nick worked together to stop their children's series of questions. Gideon got excited and went to draw a cockroach hero. Watching him, Nick smiled lovingly.

The incident that ended so cutely has become a hot topic at the Frost family gathering that weekend. They are sitting around the table, playing poker while drinking. Nick tells this story to Ash and asks.

"So Ash, what would you do if Karlyle became a cockroach?"

Karlyle Frost, the ruler on the poker table, is already sweeping the board (he always wins even in rounds held among aristocrats, so adult nobles give that title to him). Seeing Karlyle's neutral face breaks a little at the question, Ash smiles and says.

"My Lyle is a cockroach? It must be so cute just thinking about it."

At his answer, Karlyle quietly freaks out. He puts the card down. Nick tries to sneak a glance at what the card is, but Karlyle covers it thoroughly out of habit.

"That's not cute, Ash. If that happened to me, you must run away immediately."

Karlyle says. His expression is saying that what Ash just said doesn't make sense at all.

Ash rests his chin on his hand and looks at Karlyle with loving eyes (meanwhile, Karlyle is trying to cover the fact that Ash is the worst at poker and he'll lose it no matter what).

"But think about it, Lyle. If you were a cockroach, you would always follow me and be beside me. And you would hide when you were scared, how cute would it be?"

Ash is being serious, he's not joking. Although it's nice that Ash finds him cute even if he runs away when being exposed, when he thinks of himself becoming a cockroach, Karlyle gets disgusted and just wants to disappear. Noticing it, Ash asks.

"If I became a cockroach, would you hate me, Lyle?"

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