Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.1

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Oh my god !!! The New Year's Eve manhwa chapter was so good that I finished this chapter in one go 🥺🥺🥺
Ash and Lyle are really made for each other 😭😭

Okay back to this chapter, warning: This chapter can be shocking and "might be" the thing you have all wanted. Please scream in the comment to find other screaming fellows 🤣🤣

All that you are,
is all that I'll ever need

Coming back from the trip, Ash looked even more handsome than before. Unlike Karlyle whose skin didn't get tanned easily, his sunburned skin was beautifully tanned, and his face looked incredibly lively. Meanwhile, Karlyle had no energy. At the end of the honeymoon, he almost never left the bedroom and all he did was lie down.

The reason was obviously because they both lost their minds and indulged in each other, but he didn't understand why he was the only one exhausted. They both went swimming and did the same activities. Watching Ash who was sleeping soundly on their private plane, Karlyle pondered. It was strange. He had eaten much better after being with Ash, he even exercised more thoroughly, then why.....

Anyway, their honeymoon was fun. He could only enjoy half of the island and the sea, but he didn't regret it since he and Ash could have trips again on his family's island. What's more, the number of people that were allowed to see Ash would be reduced to a minimum there, so his family's island would be better.

There were many other fun things. On the day they finally left their room and went to the center of the resort, there were couples passing by and had their eyes on Ash. Karlyle hated that, but he and Ash shared kisses on the beach, so it was good in the end. They could spend time alone in a whole new place and take pictures together, which they hadn't had many chances to do before.

He didn't bring a photographer along since he wanted to leave it as a memory only for the two of them. He had had photographers take so many pictures before the wedding that he had gotten tired of it, so there was no need to do that during the honeymoon.

The commemorative photo that Aiden ordered the staff to take for them on their first day was enough.

"How was your trip, Karlyle?"

Having been lost in flashbacks for a moment, Karlyle raises his head at Alice's voice. Alice is sitting across from him and drinking her tea with a perfect posture. He still has to learn a lot from her. They are currently having tea time. It has been two weeks since he returned from his honeymoon.

The tea time, which is supposed to be held every week in turns, takes place at Karlyle's house today. Alice has been trying to somehow narrow her distance with Karlyle since the engagement where he fainted. In recent years, she has made this tea time a fixed plan.

Making this activity a fixed thing can be burdensome, but Karlyle doesn't mind. He hardly spends time with his mother, and the atmosphere will be softer and more enjoyable if Mariam is with them. Today is also the day Mariam decides to visit as she wants to bake for them. Now she is in the kitchen not too far from the living room and baking several of Alice's favorite pies.

One of the things that has changed since he met Ash is his relationship with his mother. And since the day he collapsed, she seems to be trying to be different from before.

To be precise, she's learning how to express herself. The same goes for him.

For Karlyle, who has always thought that he only resembles his father, the fact that he does take after his mother in some ways makes him happy. He doesn't have her beautiful bright blue eyes and her dark hair. He also isn't brilliant like her. But he definitely resembles her in terms of expressions.

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