Vol 6 (Side Story 3): Chapter 3.2

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Lol I just changed the profile picture and the name of the story. Hope that you guys don't get too confused 😂😂

And the latest manhwa chapter?? Finally AshLyle boyfriend era !!


All that you are,
is all that I'll ever need

(Ash POV)

The studio is a total mess. Glittering paper is sprinkled all over Ash's head. Instead of laptops and work, food and alcohol are placed on the spacious desk. This is the surprise farewell party that Mackenzie threw for him. Since they are partiers, they are jamming to music even though it's only lunchtime.

As he pulls on the string of the cone hat that Mackenzie put on his head, Ash looks at his watch. This watch is the gift Karlyle gave him on their wedding day. The diamond on its blue crystal is shining elegantly. This isn't a design he would normally go for, but whenever he looks at this watch, he can't help but smile. This brand is not affordable to the general public so his taste is often a little more concise. But it doesn't matter. Karlyle gave this to him, how can he not love it?

A lot of the things he wears come from Karlyle. Karlyle looks so cute when he tries to find gifts that suit his taste as best as he can. And Ash doesn't want to refuse his gifts. Moreover, now that Karlyle is officially his husband, there's no reason to turn him down. As he remembers Karlyle's reaction when he gave him this watch, his smile grows deeper.

I miss you.

They have only been apart for a few hours but he misses his husband already. Lowering his wrist, he picks up a glass of drink. He chooses a non-alcohol mojito since he has decided not to drink alcohol when Karlyle isn't around (he is such a green flag damn). It tastes of carbonic acid with the scent of mint. But his longing for Karlyle isn't relieved one bit. He ponders whether he should leave, but he suddenly remembers that he has only been here for less than an hour.

Ash looks ahead with only his eyes smiling. He is the main character of this party, maybe he shouldn't go so early. Karlyle is now the most important thing in his life, but his senior Mackenzie, together with his colleagues, has led him and supported him for so long. He guesses he'll have to wait a little longer to see Karlyle then. Besides, if he didn't get married, they would be in business together for a few more years. He feels sorry for leaving them so early.

"What is that uninterested look on your face?"

Speak of the devil. Mackenzie walks to his place. A neatly trimmed brown blonde hair, an elegant white suit. This is Mackenzie's favorite outfit. Her sleeves are rolled up above her wrists, and in her hand is a bottle of wine.

"Can you see it?"

Ash doesn't deny it. It's medium in terms of fun, but he finds more joy in watching Karlyle breathing peacefully. It is a pleasure of his to guess what Karlyle's thinking under his expressionless yet handsome face. His longing soars again. He wants to see Karlyle right away. Looking at his pictures on his phone is not enough. Karlyle's appearance can't be captured with a frame, no matter how great of a photographer you are.

His thick eyebrows that seem to have been delicately drawn by the most talented artist in the world, and his dark gray hair, those are the features that only Karlyle possesses. He has a pale skin yet it doesn't look lifeless. Rather, it makes him look like a living sculpture. His gray eyes are calm yet sharp, his lips are thin and not too red. When those features that seem to be depicted with sharp lines are put together, they give off a sad feeling. If you don't look at them closely, you might miss Karlyle as if you are simply passing by a cold and lonely winter. All of that becomes Karlyle.

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