Vol 2 - Pause (3)

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Kyle Frost is the first to greet him when he rings the doorbell. As the door opens, Ash is met with blue eyes staring at him. His white face, perfectly fits the definition of beauty, hardens in an instant. It is hard to believe that before opening the door, this face was smiling brightly.

"Why are you here?"

Kyle asks right away with a voice showing hostility. Nick appears from behind.

"Kyle, if you have a visitor, you should say hello first. Are there any troubles finding the way here?"


Embarrassment shines on Kyle's cold face, he reluctantly glances at Ash and speaks again.

"... Hello."

Then he gets back to the main question immediately.

"So why did you come here?"

"I told him to."

Nick hugs Kyle from behind to stop him from becoming more violent. Like other rare dominant Alphas, his intangible pheromone stabs his whole body heavily. To Ash, Kyle is not a pleasant opponent.

But surprisingly, the faint traces of Karlyle on Kyle's face softens his heart. That makes Ash himself feel a little strange.

"But, Nick... why?"

"I want to meet your brother."

Those words seem to have touched Kyle. While watching Nick's eyes, Kyle looks at Ash with a displeased expression.

"Isn't it all over?"

"It's not over yet."

Saying so, Ash follows Nick into the house. With his red lips pressed, Kyle is forced to follow them.

Nick looks at Kyle as if worried that he will get violent, and Kyle looks like he is trying hard to control himself. Come to think of it, even before Kyle and Nick officially dated, the atmosphere between Ash and Kyle was already like this. Even if Nick didn't interfere, it would only be a matter of time before the two of them continued.

Ash suddenly realizes that his memories of Kyle and Nick now are very calm and casual. He doesn't harbor any feelings for the person he still had in his mind just a few months ago anymore. Meeting Kyle and Nick now simply feels like meeting some old faces by chance.

"What does that mean?"

"There is one meeting left. It's an agreed meeting, so I think I have the right to meet him at least one more time."

Ash says as he follows Nick into the living room. Kyle cuts it off and denies.

"I don't understand why you are saying that after a month has passed."

That's the point.

Ash laughs awkwardly. All of this is unfamiliar to him. At first, he thought things would be fine. But he is wrong. The feeling of loss because he lost Karlyle continues to pile up as days go by and keeps growing bigger. Until today does he realize that.

They met by request, so he thought it would be right for the other person to leave as it was. It's true that he has been really busy with no time to think properly, but if the other person contacted him, he would definitely make time. But the reason he has not done it so far is because he's not sure. Whether he likes Karlyle enough to hold on to him.

"I needed time to think."

At that, Kyle shuts his mouth. After a brief silence, Kyle speaks again firmly.

"... It's late."

"I don't think so."

"No, because..."

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