Vol 3 - New Year's Eve

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Leaving the airport, wind blows through his coat. His well-slided hair is a little messy. The slightly damp dull air smells of winter. After almost two months, London has returned to its original color. A strangely lonely and sad scene.

Karlyle feels that loneliness everytime he returns from the sun-scorching Qatar. But today is different. Instead of loneliness, impatience permeates his steps. Because he has someone he wants to meet.

London before the New Year is strangely quiet, but yet exciting. As Europe gets quieter as the long holiday approaches, more tourists fill London on New Year’s Eve. Passing the colorful lit streets, Karlyle sees many lovers and families walking hand in hand through the window.

Then he remembers himself on a summer day. There was a past when he hoped to be with someone like that, but he dismissed it as a vain illusion. There was a time when he thought it was a foolish wish that could not come true.

Karlyle stares at the phone on his thigh, a little nervous inside. He grips the phone so tightly that the veins on the back of his pale hand become faintly visible.

Ash is probably busy, there is no contact from him for several hours. They have their own works so things like this happen is natural, but Karlyle is still not confident about this yet. He probably won’t be able to for the rest of his life. Because whenever he opens his eyes, all that comes to his mind is Ash.

Over the past two months or so, Karlyle and Kyle have redefined their divisions of work. This wasn’t originally planned. He doesn’t want to put too much pressure on Kyle, who has just started the work, and he doesn’t want him to waste too much time since Nick is pregnant.

But if he worked as he is now, Karlyle would have to stay in Qatar or Canada for about half a year. The period itself is different from short-term business trips or overseas trips for social parties. His time with Ash would be shortened. Karlyle doesn’t like that.

Those divisions are businesses that Kyle will eventually inherit and lead, but they are huge for the young Kyle. Although there are a lot of assistants, the pressure is great. Unlike Karlyle who has been accustomed to them for a long time, Kyle still needs time to adjust. So, bringing this up made Karlyle feel greatly guilty.

But before he could mention it, Kyle had asked his intention first. Despite Karlyle’s question to confirm again, Kyle replied that it was okay.

Kyle also said that Karlyle could keep the work as it was if he wanted, but if he didn’t want to, of course, it would be right to change the weight of his work according to their original obligations. Kyle emphasized that the important thing was Karlyle’s will.

Then the answer belonged to Karlyle. After much hesitation, Karlyle confessed his wish to Kyle. At his words, Kyle smiled beautifully.

While he handed over Doha’s business and his business contacts to Kyle, December had reached its end. One of the projects Karlyle was working on was difficult to hand over, so the schedule took longer than planned to finish it.

That’s why his plan to go back and confess to Ash before Christmas is postponed for a few days. Actually, Karlyle has been a little depressed all week because he couldn’t respond to Ash’s offer to spend Christmas together.

During the two months apart, they kept in touch by text or phone. Ash often contacted first and asked what Karlyle did that day. How he felt, how his body was, what he did, he eagerly asked every little thing about Karlyle. Karlyle also began to ask about Ash. He asked him if he had a good meal, what he was going to do, and what his job was like.

With each conversation, Karlyle was reminded of how dry and boring his routine was compared to Ash’s. Ash hangs out with a lot of people. The only person who Karlyle can find joy is Ash, but maybe it isn’t the same for Ash. But as soon as he had that thought, Ash would say that he missed Karlyle a lot.

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