Vol 3 - Epilogue

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Epilogue: Redefine the Relationship

It's the first week of the New Year. Karlyle has a one-week long vacation. Embarrassingly, he couldn't bear the sadness and got rid of the mansion, so he wants to find a new house and make up for the time he couldn't see Ash.

To be honest, the latter reason is 80%... Well... its weight is 95%. Finding a house is actually his secretary's job. But Karlyle still wants to use it as an excuse.

Frankly speaking, as soon as they start dating, he thinks he is putting too much pressure on Ash.

Karlyle Frost doesn't know much about dating stuff, but he remembers what needs to know - reluctantly - through Aiden Heywood. Aiden always says, don't be too "clingy" right from the beginning.

Karlyle isn't sure what the word means, but in context, it seems to fit the meaning that he shouldn't be overly obsessed or too intimate right after starting to date. He admits his lack of knowledge about this. About love, it's clear that Aiden knows better than him in every way. So, it seems that Karlyle shouldn't be like that in front of Ash, who he has been dating since January 1st.

Anyway, on New Year's Day, when he told Ash about his vacation, to his surprise, Ash also said that he's taking the first week off. What a coincidence. Karlyle ended up showing a bit of excitement on his face.

Looking at him, Ash smiled. You love that? When Ash asked him, Karlyle said yes. Hearing his answer, Ash let out a soft laugh like he was holding something back.

Anyway, after all these things, Karlyle is now at Ash's house.

He arrived at Ash's house exactly an hour before. And throughout 59 minutes, Karlyle has been in a state of extreme tension. It isn't a bad kind of tension. Not a bad thing at all, he is just nervous because Ash keeps touching him. Of course, it's not good for his heart. From now on, he needs to manage his body more systematically.

After they start dating, Ash never takes his hands off Karlyle. It has only been two days, but it means a lot to Karlyle.

The situation now is the same. In a moment of silence, Ash reaches out and rubs Karlyle's cheek. Then he gently tickles his eyelashes with his fingers, then fiddles with his ears again.

Karlyle can't even drink the tea that has already become cold, and can only hold it quietly. Because if he drinks tea, Ash won't be able to touch his face.

"Aren't you drinking it?"

And finally the question comes from Ash. Smiling softly, Ash blinks at the cup Karlyle is holding. Wiggling his hand around the cup very elegantly, Karlyle makes eye contact with Ash.

Ash's touch itself is very good, but as he said earlier, it's not good for his heart. Besides, he has trouble calming down when Ash touches him.

"... I'm drinking."

"It must have cooled down, would you like to get it warmed? I like to watch you drink, Lyle."

Hearing those words, the meal they once had together in the past flashes into Karlyle's mind. Even when they weren't dating, Ash was already kind, he would cut food or pour something for Karlyle. Strangely enough, he even rolled pasta and fed him. An overly intimate act.

Karlye used to cut or pour something for his younger brother Kyle when he was young, and he has never done that to anyone else. But now Karlyle and Ash are clearly dating. So wouldn't it be ok to do the same thing to Ash?

As soon as that thought comes up, a huge greed follows it. Now knowing that he is that greedy and wants so many things, Karlyle is shocked by his true instincts. He quickly whips himself up and returns to the original topic.

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