Vol 5 (Side Story 2): Chapter 4.1

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Only you can love me this way

Karlyle contacted Richard as soon as the day dawned. However, his secretary informed him that Richard is currently abroad. He also delivered a message from his boss asking whether Karlyle liked the gift. Karlyle immediately told him to take the car back before noon. His firmness took the secretary aback, but he had no choice but to listen to Karlyle.

Next, he sent a message to the Duke of Cavendish to schedule a visit. Coincidentally, the Duchess wanted to meet him to hear about his Shanghai trip with Richard, so Karlyle decided it would be best to discuss things during their meeting.

For nobles obsessed with lineage, the issue of producing an heir is more important than anything else. Karlyle himself was raised that way too, he knows this all too well. The Duke and Duchess of Cavendish are generous and open in many ways, but to be fair, they don't deviate that much from typical aristocrats' mindset. In the first place, this sudden confession must have been a merely impulsive decision from Richard.

After making an appointment for a tea time after lunch tomorrow with the Duchess, Karlyle returns to the bedroom. Ash always gets up when Karlyle wakes up no matter what, but today there's no sign of him emerging out of the bedroom. Strange. Karlyle climbs the stairs to check on him. He has a feeling Ash is winded after last night’s activities.

Since he was so put off by Richard's gifts, Ash did not let go of Karlyle yesterday. Yesterday's foreplay went on longer than usual. Ash marked him all over his body, from his neck, collarbones, chest, abdomen, inner thighs, ankles to his wrists. Red kiss marks and teeth marks are printed everywhere on his skin, painting his pale body like a canvas. He looked like a flower in full bloom.

Karlyle of the past would not tolerate traces being left on his body. Of course, it would be indecent to meet his secretary or his family with a kiss mark, but he never felt the need to reject the marks left by Ash. It made him feel like he was Ash's. He also began to leave marks on Ash. Now he has understood how possessive the act of leaving marks on the other person is.

Just thinking about it fills his body with joy all over again. As he grabs the doorknob, he can see Ash's marks on his wrist. He was out for only half an hour to make a phone call, but he has already missed Ash so much. Carefully, he opens the bedroom door.

Ash doesn’t greet him for once and is still asleep. Karlyle checks the time while slowly treading over to the bed as quietly as possible. The wall clock is pointing at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. Although Ash sleeps deeper than him, he usually wakes up at the same time as Karlyle. This is most unusual.

Concern slowly rises in him. Karlyle carefully sits down in the bed. Ash lets out a low sigh at the sound of sheet rustling. He turns to Karlyle, then slowly opens his eyes. His black hair is all disheveled, making him look younger than usual in his discomposure.

“Hi.” Ash says.

The long awaited morning greeting is finally here. Karlyle smiles softly, then bends down to get a closer look at Ash’s face.

“You overslept.”

“Beautiful people usually sleep a lot, you know?”

Ash says, his face gradually returns to its usual gentleness. His voice is so hoarse that Karlyle has to focus to make out what he’s saying. Ash’s voice is significantly lower than usual. For some reason, it makes goosebumps run up his spine.

Unable to resist the urge, Karlyle carefully brings his face closer to Ash. Laughing softly, Ash kisses his forehead. But something is strange. Ash’s lips against  his forehead are too hot.

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