Chapter Thirty-Six

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Spending the afternoon at the Winter Carnival might seem like Jonah's idea, but it was mine. I saw the advertisement on a campus bulletin board and couldn't resist.

"Whoa," Jonah says.

My sentiments exactly. We're standing at the entrance gates at the carnival. The park has been transformed to resemble a small town's country fair. Fairy lights are strewn across just about every tree. Colorful booths with red and white striped tents line the walkway. And of course, extending to the clouds, is a Ferris wheel.

Hayden takes out some bills to pay the entrance fee and he mutters that it's a rip-off. The attendant asks him to repeat himself and I laugh.

I grab Jonah's hand, because the last thing I want is to explain to Alesha when she comes to pick Jonah up in a few hours that we misplaced her son. I fight against the desire to hold Hayden's hand as well.

"So, Jonah, what do you want to do first?" Hayden asks.

"Cotton candy, please!"

"Really, Jonah?" I say. "That's just junk."

Jonah blinks. "But I love junk."

Giving in, we walk over to the stand and pay another five bucks for a large blue and pink cloud of sugar. Jonah digs in, shoving handfuls upon handfuls into his mouth. I don't even bother telling him to slow down; it all just melts on his tongue anyways.

"You guys want some?" Jonah asks.

Sure, he offers now, when it's almost done and he's had his fill. Hayden picks off a small piece and instead of eating it, holds it in front of my lips. Surprised, I take the candy. My lips brush against Hayden's finger and between the taste of him and the sugar, it's a heady sensation. Hayden feels it too. His eyes grow darker as he stares at my mouth.

"Okay, enough standing around! Time for bumper cars."

Jonah breaks us out of our reverie. I briefly consider sitting out for the rides, but Hayden convinces me to at least try them. Bumper cars is a blast, and an hour later, we had done everything that involved speed, heights, and drops.

"Jonah, I think it's time we take it down a notch," I say, waiting for the ground to stop spinning after a teacup ride.

"Fine. Can Hayden win me a prize?"

"I could win you something too, Jonah," I say.

Hayden laughs. "Don't worry, I got you."

With Jonah scanning the wall of prizes, I lean up on my toes and whisper into Hayden's ear.

"Fine. Be that way."

Hayden's eyes darken. Clearly, I fuelled his fire because he managed to win Jonah a soccer ball and a stuffed monkey for me on his first few tries at the game.

"Thanks for this," I say, squeezing the toy. "I was looking for something to help keep me warm at night."

Hayden's lips part. I start to say something, but my cell phone pings and I open the text.

"Okay, Jonah, that was your mom. She's here."

He rolls his eyes and we walk to the exit.

"Hey buddy, did you have fun?" Alesha asks.

"Yeah, until you showed up."

"Oh-kay," she says, making eye contact with Hayden and me. "It looks like the two of us are going to have a great night tonight."

We wave goodbye, part amused and part sad for Alesha. It must be hard to look like the villain to someone you love so much.

Once Alesha and Jonah are out of sight, Hayden turns to me. "What do we do now?"

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