Carry on My Wayward Son

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This chapter takes place post in early-mid Season 7. I am not responsible for spoilers in the comments.

4 weeks of sitting in a cabin in the middle of nowhere with a Spanish telenovela as the lone source of entertainment. They had decided to take some time and lay low with the leviathans gunning for their heads on a silver platter, and considering Dean's leg was broken in 2 places, no one was pushing to be on the run anytime soon. So they hunkered down in the old cabin in Whitefish, Montana, letting Bobby go on supply runs as needed, and they waited. The cabin had had just enough trees removed to construct the concrete basement and place the logs of a house on top, leaving it to be completely surrounded by lush greenery that hid it from view. That, combined with the fact that the nearest neighbor was at least 12 miles away, let them exist in peace.

It had also been 4 weeks since they buried Marley. Bobby had retrieved her body from the hospital while Sam had been getting Dean out. They figured the cabin was a good as place as any to bury her considering Bobby's house was gone and they no longer had a home base. Bobby had volunteered to help with chopping wood for the hunter's funeral, but Sam quickly shut him down. He didn't know if it was a joke or not, but he was determined to give Marley her dying wish of a normal burial. So Sam dug the grave, Bobby built the coffin, and Dean... well he sat outside with his leg propped up, staring into the night sky.

The following day, when it came time to bury her, the trio walked out into the woods, Sam and Bobby carrying the casket between them, Dean hobbling along on his crutches, a plastic bag gently bumping his good leg with every step. It was a small clearing, wildflowers growing everywhere, plenty of sunshine filtering through the forest — Sam had picked a beautiful spot. They lowered her into the ground and then began to pour the recently unearthed dirt on top of her. Shovel after shovel was lifted and poured in silence, Dean hanging back and watching, having shook his head when Sam offered him a chance to participate.

Finally, the grave was filled, the only indication of what lay beneath was the freshly turned pile of dirt being a shade darker than anything in the surrounding area. The trio stood together, solemnly staring at the dirt in silence, as birds squawked overheard.

"She was one of the biggest pain in my butts I've ever met." Bobby spoke, his voice gruff as always, but this time laced with a darkening of sadness. "Always had to out-smart ya, and make sure you knew it too. Would get that stupid smiley smirk on her face that let you know exactly how funny she thought she was."

A smile twitched on Sam's face. "She knew she was funny, or she was going to convince you that she was."

"Which just added to her irritating charm." Bobby glanced over at Dean who remained quiet. "First time I met her, you had her pinned to that wall in the elevator looking like you were going to throttle her. I don't think I ever met someone that got under your skin the way she did."

A genuine smile appeared on Sam's face as he recalled that day. "She broke a fake window on your Baby and then proceeded to eat your food without even blinking."

"Ate me outta my house too when she stayed with me." Bobby shook his head, a smile attempting to emerge from beneath his beard. "When you boys stayed with me back in the day, I remember the grocer telling me there was no way 2 boys could possibly eat that much in a week, to which I always had to make a stupid joke about growing boys needing it." He paused for a moment, staring at the dirt. "I got no idea what Marley's excuse was, eatin' all that food."

A silence lapsed between them, memories of the girl they had grown so fond of, playing in their heads. Sam bent down and grabbed some wildflowers nearby before placing them on top of the mound of dirt, his hand lingering for a moment. A quiet "thank you" passed his lips before he stood to his feet, tears shining in the back of his eyes. He took a step back, placing a hand on Dean's shoulder and giving it a squeeze before he turned and walked with Bobby back to the cabin.

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