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"pretty boy"
9:01 a.m

p: i thought about
what you said this

9:11 a.m

pretty boy: and?

p: why would u
propose something
like that😭😭

pretty boy: i mean

why not?

p: i could tell you several
reasons why it's a
bad idea

pretty boy: enlighten me

p: 1. we dont like
each other like that

2. hand holding and
pecks is one thing, full
makeout does not
fall under the fake
dating umbrella

3. you basically
want to be friends with
benefits when we're not
even friends

pretty boy: okay

1. true, but we're in
this mess exactly bc
we dont like each other

in fact, hating each other
is what got us in trouble
with the school in the
first place so maybe
we should not hate each

2. there shouldn't even
be an "umbrella" bc what
we're doing is ridiculous
so whatever rules you think
exist under it, don't
fucking apply

3. we don't have to be
friends to enjoy the
privileges lmao

p: you are such a boy

pretty boy: idk what that
p: exactly

pretty boy: so what i'm
hearing is

you're chicken

p: im not

pretty boy: i was joking

it was just an idea

i'll just text bella

p: oh wow

so i don't give out and
u go find someone else

pretty boy: lol no

if you dont want to
im not going to force

its okay i just wanted
to see if you were down

you're not, so we'll
stick to whatever ur
comfortable with

p: k

pretty boy: see ya

and piper

p: ?

pretty boy: i don't hate u

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