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[[nickname] POV]

He bursts through another floor. You use stairs and run to catch up with him while saying sorry to everyone. He's scaring a lot of people for what he's doing. You can sense a demon presence nearby. He run faster and you started running faster to catch with him.

He cut the floor using his sword and see a hole in the ground. Inosuke jumps down a hole in the floor, and you see him struggling. He's trying to fit himself through the small space, but his size is making it difficult. After a few moments, you hear him calling himself "Lord" and you watch as he starts dislocating his joints to make himself fit through the small space. 

It sure doesn't look comfortable, but Inosuke seems committed to going through the hole. "I'll look for another path, please be careful Inosuke" you shout into the hole. I hope he can hear that.

You look for another way since you can't dislocate your joints like him. As you search for a different path, you see Uzui running on the roof. He seems to be in a frantic hurry, and he doesn't seem to notice you. You decide to follow behind Uzui as he runs on the roof. Maybe he knows another entrance that you can use, you stealthily follow behind Uzui. You see he punch the ground below him. He leaps into the hole, vanishing from your sight. You follow him and you sense a demon aura. You jump into the hole and see Inosuke, Zenitsu, Uzui and two woman standing. You see a lot of woman, You are now in the lair of the demon, it's a macabre sight to see so many humanoid remains, and you feel a chill run down your spine.. 

You want to kill the demon and bring justice for the victims. You grit your teeth, you can hear them talking, looks like Uzui find his two wives and Zenitsu is okay and in sleeping mode. It still not done for you, you jump yourself up into the hole and start running faster. You can see infront of you a large smoke, you move forward... you see a lot of damages on houses, people who are crying to dear dead love ones. You spot Nezuko in an epic battle against the demon. Despite the demon's ferocity, Nezuko strength is beyond impressive - she's overpowering the demon with ease. 

She's incredibly strong, and you have no doubt that her victory will put an end to the demon's Rampage. You focus all of your efforts on evacuating the people in the area, using the Bloodmist buff 5 times to rescue as many people as possible. (approx. 600s/10mins). Your main goal is to minimize the damage done, and to reduce as much injury and loss of life as possible. You see your team coming and helping you evacuating the civilians. "I'll leave them to you" you say to the woman helping you. She nods at you, you nod at her too, and look for where is the fighting area now. There are now two demons. 

The man demon towers over you, his muscular body is impressive, yet oddly disproportionate. The muscles of his arms and legs are particularly pronounced, creating a strange contrast with his skinny waist and abnormally angled pelvis. Despite his strange appearance, the demon exudes a powerful and intimidating presence. The other demon is the one you see awhile ago. 

She wears magenta thigh high stockings that have black flower patterns, paired with tall three-legged sanmaiba/koma-geta or mitsu-ashi shoes. The combination of her attire and footwear create a peculiar image, one that immediately catches your eye. As you look between the two demons, you wonder what their relationship is. You are still uncertain what happened after you evacuated the civilians.

You take a deep breath, and begin to use your recovery breathing technique to calm your mind and ease your muscles. As the tension exits your body, your mind grows calm, and a sense of clarity and focus arises within you. You're ready to deal with the demons that stand before you and keep civilians safe. 

After a few moments of recovery breathing, you transition into total concentration breathing to sharpen your focus. You stare at the female demon, and you ignore the existence of the other demon. You carefully studying her movements and analyzing her strengths and weaknesses. Your goal now is to target the female demon first, and to take her down quickly and efficiently. You use Bloodmist and Rampage. You start running towards her, You hear her speaking to Inosuke and Zenitsu, neither of whom seem to have noticed you yet. The woman demon is able to quickly regenerate her belt/obi after cuts thanks to her unique ability. Her attention remains focused on the other two, and you take advantage of this opportunity to start your assault on her.

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