CHAPTER 16 : Giyu Making First Moves

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[the next day]

You are now in your bed, in you sister house/clinic and all your body is in pain. Suddenly, you hear a sound coming from the living room since your bed is near at the living room. 

As you open your eyes fully and meet Giyu's gaze, it's a surreal moment. This isn't a dream or a figment of your imagination; he's truly standing before you.

You find yourself struggling to keep your eyes open. It seems like your body is fighting sleep, but you want to stay awake and speak to Giyu.

"Giyu..?" You murmur, trying to stay awake. You don't want to drift off into sleep, not when he's finally here.

Giyu still looking at you, his expression unchanged. "I was called back to the headquarters for an emergency leave. I can't leave you alone right now. Can I get you anything?"

"My apologies, Giyu.." Your apology seems to have an effect on Giyu. While he remains stern, there's a softening in his gaze as he listens to your explanation.

"I thought I told you a hundred times... to report to me! What if you got seriously hurt...or...much worse gets killed?"

Giyu continues to look at you, his concern palpable. He seems to understand the situation better now, but his stern demeanor doesn't entirely fade away. It's clear that he's worried about your well-being, and his strictness comes from a place of concern for your safety.

"I didn't get the chance to inform you, my apologies," you continue, feeling a bit guilty for not following his instructions more closely. "I tried to send you my report, but I didn't have time since I drew the scenery first and then the demon attacked... It was in my bag." You said while looking at the ceiling. You hear him sigh and feel that he sit on your bed. You look at him, he show you a gentle smile and then with seriousness in his tone, he ask you nicely to tell him what happened. 

You explain the situation to Giyu, trying your best to keep your eyes open. You're not trying to fall asleep when talking with Giyu.

He takes your hand in his, and rubs it fondly.

"It's alright, [nickname]. I'm just glad that you're okay. I hope that you and Rengoku will make a swift recovery, I'll be with you since your sister's needs to look for others. You can rest again" Giyu gently strokes your hair.

You find comfort in Giyu's presence and his reassuring words. His touch and his concern help ease the pain and exhaustion you're feeling, you feel a sense of warmth and security wash over you.

You hear a loud bang coming from living room again. You want to see what it is, but you're tired. You can't seem to keep your eyes open anymore, and decide to give in to your drowsiness. You close your eyes and drift off to sleep...

The image of his gentle smile lingers in your mind.

Giyu remains by your side for the rest of the evening, watching over you as you sleep. You feel a bit embarrassed that he's seen you like this, but you feel comforted by his presence nonetheless.

As you wake up and take in the sight of Giyu sleeping peacefully beside you, a warm feeling of contentment washes over you. The soft light filtering through the curtains casts a gentle glow in the Giyu's face. 

His breathing is slow and steady, almost in tune with your own. He sleeping peacefully beside you...beside you in bed?

you hear the door open and turn your head towards it and notice your sister enter the room. She keeps glancing over at Giyu. You can understand her concerns, as you are now sharing a bed with a male after all...

Your sister's concern is evident in her eyes, and you appreciate her caring nature. As she sits beside you and touches your hand, you feel a sense of warmth and understanding between the two of you. Her support means a lot to you, especially in your line of work where danger is ever-present.

"how's your feeling?" she ask you quietly to not wake up the sleeping guy. "I feel much better, but I'm still tired."

"that's good to hear" she replies softly. "I just worry about you, that's all. I know you're strong, but even the strongest need rest and care."

You smile at her words, grateful for her understanding. "I promise to take better care of myself," you say sincerely. "And thank you again for your help yesterday. You're the best sister anyone could ask for."

Her smile widens, and she leans in to give you a gentle hug. "You're welcome, dear. Just remember, I'm always here for you."

As you and your sister share this moment, you feel fortunate to have such a supportive and loving sibling in your life.

You notice your sister's changed mood, and it concerns you. Seeing her small, reassuring smile disappear, you gently ask: "Is something bothering you? You seem a bit sad."

She sighs, gazing down for a moment before meeting your eyes again. "Yeah, I'm just worried about the future. What happened yesterday was tough, and I can't help but think: what if it happens again? What if it's even worse next time?" You can see the fear in her eyes, You can't help but empathize with her fears. 

The dangers you face as a demon slayer are your own to bear, but you can't ignore the impact it has on your loved ones. You reach out, placing a hand on her shoulder, and say "I understand your concerns, and it's natural to worry. The life I've chosen is tough, and fear is natural. But we can't let it paralyze us. I've trained hard for this, and I've got a duty to protect the ones I love, the people who need my help. I'll face whatever comes my way, not cowering in fear , and I know I'll defeat those demons because I've got a supportive family." She nod, she looks contented in my reply and change the topic. 

"About Rengoku's hand, I couldn't save it. Although, I don't know how he can hold a sword with one hand, he didn't make a big deal out of it, he said he likes it to the point he said it was a memento of his fight with the demon." 

"Sir Rengoku is a positive guy I tell you" you said while small laugh came out to you.

Your sister sighs again and looks at you with a mixture of concern and seriousness. "I just... being around someone like Rengoku, who's so dedicated to his duties as a Hashira, can be dangerous. You're a skilled demon slayer, but you also have a compassionate heart. I don't want to see you get hurt."

Her words resonate with you, and you can see the genuine concern in her eyes. You know she only wants what's best for you.

You nod, understanding her perspective. "I'll be careful," you promise. "I won't put myself in unnecessary danger. But you know I can't just avoid my fellow demon slayers. We're like a family, and we support each other."

Your sister gives you a small, resigned smile. "I know, and I trust you to make the right decisions. Just promise me you'll prioritize your safety."

"I promise," you assure her, giving her a reassuring smile in return. The two of you hug, and you feel a sense of reassurance and warmth in your sister's embrace.

Then the topic change and now you denying your sister's teasing about Giyu being your boyfriend, your embarrassment only deepens. It's clear that she enjoys teasing you, and you can't help but feel a mixture of annoyance and amusement at the situation.

After your sister leaves the room, you take a moment to appreciate the sight of Giyu sleeping peacefully. His presence brings you a sense of comfort, even though you're not entirely sure about your feelings for him.

Quietly slipping out of bed, you exit the room and close the door softly behind you. Making your way to where Rengoku is resting, you find him sitting up and looking better than you expected after his injury. You approach Rengoku.

You didn't know that Giyu was awake when you wake up, he just didn't move. He is blushing, his cheeks red as your sister mentions him as your boyfriend. It's all so embarrassing.. but adorable in a way.

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