CHAPTER 11 : Can I Hug You?

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As you perform the Blood Breathing technique, a hushed awe settles over Zenitsu and Inosuke. They watch in amazement as your body moves with precision and grace, your nichirin blade emitting a vibrant crimson aura that's as captivating as it is powerful.

Inosuke, known for his wild and unpredictable nature, is equally impressed but expresses it in his own unique way. He pumps his fist in the air, shouting, "Yeah, you're not bad at all! I've never seen anyone do that with such finesse!"

Zenitsu's wide-eyed expression is one of pure admiration, while Inosuke's intense gaze follows your every move. They can sense the strength and skill emanating from you as you wield your blade with incredible proficiency.

You smile at their reactions, appreciating their enthusiasm. Sharing your Blood Breathing technique with them has not only deepened your bond but also ignited their determination to improve their own skills.

Inosuke's admiration for your technique is evident in his eyes. He appreciates the mastery of breath styles and is likely considering how he can adapt elements of it to his own Beast Breathing.

Zenitsu's thoughts, on the other hand, seem to be wandering in a different direction entirely. He seems to have jumped ahead to thoughts of marriage and future children, his overactive imagination painting a vivid picture of your life together.

Zenitsu is staring at you with wide eyes, and he seems really excited. "You're very cool! It's like.. you're a different person when you do blood breathing!"

It was rather embarrassing, having everyone watching.

You can't help but to smile at Zenitsu's compliment. He seems genuinely happy, and you can tell he means every word.

"Oh? You think so? well Giyu help me developing my forms" You ask Zenitsu, still smiling.

You hear a quiet, soft noise coming from Giyuu. He doesn't seem to notice the others, but his eyes are trained on you as he asks you, "What happened?"

You look at Giyuu, your expression unchanged. "Nothing much.. I just explained my breathing style to the others, that's all."

Giyuu's face turns back to its usual stone-cold expression.

You extend a friendly invitation to Giyuu to join you for dinner in town, specifically for some delicious cold soba. He looks at you, seemingly caught off guard by the offer, but after a moment's pause, he nods in agreement.

"Sure, why not," he replies in his usual calm tone.

A feeling of warmth spreads through you as you and Giyuu head to the local soba shop together.

Giyuu walks home next to you, silent like always.

You ask Giyuu if you can go and help Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke with their training.

Giyuu seems to be contemplating your request, and he nods slowly. And then, he replies with one word..."Yes."

You take a moment to gather your courage before tentatively asking, "Giyu, can I... hug you?" His initial surprise is evident in his widened eyes, but he nods, avoiding direct eye contact.

With his permission, you wrap your arms around him, squeezing gently. His body tenses for a moment, and you can feel his heart beating rapidly. It's a rare sight to see him so caught off guard, and his faint blush only adds to his charm.

As you express your happiness through the hug, you can't help but notice the warmth of his body and the way his breath steadies over time. Your own heart races at the close proximity, and you wonder if he can feel it too.

When you finally release him, his cheeks are tinged with pink, and he clears his throat awkwardly.

Your heart still fluttering from the hug. "Thanks for today."

He nods back, his usual stoic expression returning, though the faintest hint of a smile lingers in his eyes.

You and Giyuu arrive at his mansion and say goodnight to Giyu before heading to your bedroom, and lay down.

Then you notice your eyes are getting heavy, and you're tired.

You hear a soft noise come from Giyuu's room, but you don't pay attention to it.

As your friends continue to train and grow, you feel a sense of camaraderie and unity among your group. The bond you share with Inosuke, Zenitsu, and Tanjiro grows stronger with each passing day, and you can't wait to see how your skills and friendships evolve on your journey as Demon Slayers.

As the day ends, you think about everything that happened. You made some new friends.

His usually stoic expression seems a bit softer, and you can't help but smile to yourself. Maybe, just maybe, his presence in your life is more than just that of a fellow Demon Slayer. Time will tell where your journey will lead you, but for now, you're content with the friendships you've built and the adventures that lie ahead.

Then, your eyes close, and you drift away into the gentle embrace of sleep. 

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