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Rengoku: "You should become my Tsuguko, my apprentice! I'll look after you!" he said to Tanjiro.

Tanjirou: "No, thank you! And just what are you looking at? He's strange, but he seems to be very caring. And from his scent, I can pick up his strong sense of justice.

"Inosuke: "Awesome! Awesome! So fast!"

Zenitsu: "That's dangerous, you idiot!"

Inosuke: "I'm gonna run outside and race to see who's faster!"

Your friends' lively chatter filled the air as you focused on your artwork, hoping to capture the essence of the moment. Rengoku and Zenitsu say "You can't possibly be that stupid, can you?- That's dangerous." You are briefly pulled away from your sketching by the conductor's request to see your tickets. You quickly reach into your pocket and retrieve the required tickets, handing them over to the conductor for inspection. As you do this, you notice the fear in Zenitsu's eyes as the conversation revolves around demons and fighting. You wish you could ease his anxiety and help him find the courage within himself. Your worry for your friend lingers, even as you focus on the practical matters of the train ride.

As the conductor clips your tickets and you resume your artwork, the peaceful atmosphere is briefly disrupted by the presence of a nearby demon. However, Rengoku's swift and powerful strike eliminates the threat in an instant, leaving you in awe of his skills. "Amazing," you remark, watching in admiration as he cleanly dispatches the demon. In response, you see Zenitsu's fear, contrasting with your own sense of awe and Tanjiro's acknowledgment of Rengoku's prowess. The scene serves as a reminder of the ever-present danger that demon slayers face, and Rengoku's ability to handle it swiftly is truly impressive.

You suddenly sense that there's a demon nearby again, and Rengoku unsheathes his nichirin blade to fight it. You glance around nervously, and try to spot what the Flame Hashira is sensing, he move to another room room and use his second form Rising Scorching sun killing it instantly. The swift and powerful actions of Rengoku as he deals with the demons fill you with a mixture of awe and apprehension. His expertise and confidence are undeniable as he skillfully dispatches the threats. It's a stark reminder of the constant danger faced by demon slayers. As you feel a sense of unease and tension, Rengoku's quick movement to eliminate another demon adds to the intensity of the situation. You watch in silence, your heart racing, as the threat is extinguished in an instant. The intense battle only reinforces the dedication and strength of the Hashira and the gravity of their mission.

The scene is filled with excitement and energy as Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke eagerly request to become Rengoku's apprentices. The Flame Hashira's willingness to train them is met with joy and enthusiasm from the trio. You can see the respect and admiration they hold for Rengoku, and it's clear that they're determined to become skilled swordsmen under his guidance. As Rengoku declares his intention to train all of them, you find yourself briefly contemplating the idea of being an apprentice to both Giyu and Rengoku. However, you quickly dismiss the thought, recognizing the tremendous commitment and dedication it would require. Instead, you focus on the promising future ahead for Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke under the tutelage of the Flame Hashira. Rengoku is surrounded by four excited teens, who are all calling him "Big Bro Rengoku". He has a soft smile on his face as he gazes into the distance. You wonder where his thoughts are. Rengoku looks slightly amused by the antics.

Moments later, your eyes feel heavy, and despite your efforts to stay awake, the combination of the comfortable train seat and your tiredness lulls you into a deep sleep. The sound of the train's rhythmic motion and the gentle hum of the engine create a soothing backdrop as you drift off.

In your dream, you find yourself standing beneath the graceful branches of a magnificent cherry blossom tree. Its petals fall like soft, delicate raindrops, creating a breathtaking scene. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of cherry blossoms, creating an ambiance of serenity and love. Under this romantic canopy, you stand face to face with your lover, a man whose presence once filled your heart with joy. He gazes at you with pleading eyes, his expression a mix of longing and sadness. His voice, filled with emotion, cuts through the tranquil atmosphere. The memory of that dream lingers in your mind, a haunting reminder of the love you once had and the choices you were forced to make.


"Please, [Your Name], I'm begging you," he implores, his voice quivering with desperation. "Resign from being a demon slayer. Be with me, and we can live a life free of danger and fear." His face, filled with longing and disappointment, remains etched in your memory, a testament to the depth of your love for him. You look at him, your heart torn between your love for him and your dedication to your role as a demon slayer. The Sakura blossoms flutter around you, a poignant reminder of the beauty of love and the fragility of life. But deep within you, you can't ignore the burning passion to protect humanity from the demons that threaten it. You've trained for years, fought countless battles, and sacrificed so much to become a demon slayer. It's become a part of who you are, an identity you can't easily discard.

"I can't do that," you reply softly, your voice carrying the weight of your decision. "Being a demon slayer is a part of me. I can't just give it up."

His face falls, his disappointment evident. He turns away, his footsteps echoing through the dreamlike landscape. The cherry blossoms continue to fall, but they no longer seem as beautiful as they once did.

In this ironic dream, a place of beauty and love, you and your lover part ways, your hearts heavy with the realization that your paths have diverged. The cherry blossoms bear witness to the bittersweet ending of your love story, a love that was torn apart by the very duty that brought you together. You carry that memory with you, a bittersweet echo of a love that once bloomed under the cherry blossoms but ultimately faded away in the face of an unyielding destiny. Your consciousness is filled with a surreal landscape of blooming cherry blossom trees, a place of serene beauty.

However, it's disrupted by the presence of a frightened child who seems to be searching for something, their fear palpable. Your consciousness tries to engage with the child, seeking to understand who they are and why they possess a dangerous object. Confusion reigns as the child's distress deepens, and they plead for you not to approach. As you watch this strange scene unfold in your consciousness, you can't help but wonder what it all means and how it's connected to your reality as a demon slayer. The child's presence and their mysterious object raise more questions than answers, leaving you with a sense of unease and curiosity.

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