CHAPTER 6 : Giyu Like Its Rough

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(The picture above is your haori! and just imaging the uniform as the demon slayer uniform. I like the color and the design, comment if you like it. If you have a particular preference for the design, feel free to share your thoughts! Your haori, is uniquely yours. :))

With determination and excitement coursing through you, you've donned your demon slayer uniform and are prepared for your first day of training. Despite the chilly temperature, your eagerness keeps you warm as you wait outside, sitting on the steps. You wait patiently on the stairs of the training ground, eagerly anticipating Giyu's arrival. Anticipation builds within you as you hear the distinct sound of a sliding door, signaling Giyu's presence. Awkwardness fills the air as he steps into the training area. You quickly rise to your feet, following him with a mixture of eagerness and nerves. It's a new day, a new opportunity to learn and grow under the tutelage of the Water Hashira. 

As you approach him, you're ready to embark on this journey of training and self-improvement, even if the initial interactions feel somewhat uneasy. Standing before Giyu, you maintain eye contact with him, despite the embarrassment. His intense gaze makes your face turn even redder, but you stand your ground. When he suggests using physical strength without the breathing style, you nod in agreement.

 His hand starts to move, and you notice he's unsheathing his sword. "Alright, physical strength it is," you reply with determination. "No breathing style, but we can use total concentration. " he said. 

You're eager to begin, ready to prove your dedication and determination to your new mentor. Giyu's sudden attack catches you off guard, and you barely manage to dodge his blade in time. You leap backward, your heart racing as you regain your balance. His stoic expression doesn't waver, and it's clear that he's serious about this training. Your grandfather train you differently, it was more gentle. 

You listen carefully to Giyu's instructions, realizing that this training won't be a walk in the park. Despite the initial shock and fear, you remind yourself that this is what you asked for. You need to become strong, and Giyu's training is undoubtedly going to push your limits. As you continue to spar with him, you focus on keeping your defenses up and staying alert for any surprise attacks. The more you practice, the more you adapt to his style of training, determined to grow stronger under his guidance. 

Lunch time and your eating in the garden, feeling tired you want to lie in bed but you can't since you still have training later. Giyu's voice breaks the silence, and you look up to see him standing there, his presence commanding yet surprisingly gentle. 

 "My apologies if I startled you. But, if you wish to become a Hashira someday, you have to get used to such sudden attacks. " His apology catches you off guard, and you find yourself grateful for his consideration.

With a small smile, you reply, "No need to apologize, I knew what I signed up for when I accepted your offer. I want to become stronger, and I appreciate your guidance, even if it means facing unexpected challenges." You pause for a moment, then add, "I'll do my best to adapt and improve." He nods in response, and for a moment, you feel a sense of friendliness with him. Despite his stoic exterior, you can tell that he genuinely wants to help you succeed. 

As you continue eating your lunch, you find yourself looking forward to the rest of the training, knowing that every lesson from Giyu brings you closer to your goal of becoming a powerful demon slayer. The evening practice is relentless, just like the previous sessions. Giyu's blade moves with astonishing speed, and he launches attacks at you without pause. Although his intent is not to harm you seriously, the force and precision behind his strikes are still formidable. 

You focus on defense, trying your best to evade and block his attacks. Giyu's cold gaze is always on you, analyzing your movements and style. Each strike, each step, is a learning experience. You can feel the intensity of the training pushing you to your limits. As the practice continues, you try to keep up with his increasing attack speed. It's challenging, and you can feel sweat forming on your brow, but you remain determined. 

You remind yourself that this is the path you've chosen, and you're willing to endure whatever it takes to become stronger. Hours pass, and the sun sets, casting long shadows over the training ground. Giyu finally stops, sheathing his sword. He looks at you with that same stoic expression. "Enough for today. Rest and recover. Tomorrow, we'll continue." You head inside and take a refreshing shower, letting the warm water wash away the sweat and fatigue from the intense training. As you towel off and change into comfortable clothes, you can feel the soreness in your muscles. 

It's a satisfying feeling, a reminder of the effort you put into your training.

Afterwards, you find yourself sitting on the edge of your bed, reflecting on the day's events. Giyu's training is rigorous and demanding, but you're determined to keep up and prove yourself worthy of his guidance. The smile he gave you earlier lingers in your thoughts, and you can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. With a yawn, you crawl under the covers and close your eyes. Tomorrow will bring another day of challenges and growth, and you're ready to face them head-on. As sleep takes over, you find comfort in the knowledge that you're on the path to becoming a stronger demon slayer, guided by the enigmatic Water Hashira himself. 

As the months pass, you find yourself deep in the midst of intense training with Giyu Tomioka. The surprise attacks have become a daily routine, and though you bear the scars and bruises of each encounter, you can sense your progress. Giyu's relentless pursuit of perfection has pushed you to become faster, more agile, and sharper in your reactions. Giyu's training methods are demanding, but they're also effective. You've noticed your reflexes improving, your movements becoming more fluid, and your overall combat awareness sharpening.

 The scars on your body are a testament to your dedication and progress. Each mark tells a story of a successful evasion or a blocked attack. You've learned to read the subtle cues in his movements, anticipating his strikes and blocking or evading them with increasing precision. Giyu, in turn, has adapted his attacks, making them more unpredictable and challenging, forcing you to stay on your toes and remain vigilant at all times. The trust between you and Giyu has grown over time. While he remains reserved, you can sense his approval in the intensity of his training and the small nods of acknowledgment he gives when you perform well. The once cold and distant Water Hashira is gradually opening up, and you're starting to see glimpses of the person behind the stoic façade. 

Training with Giyuu is quite beneficial - your skills as a demon Slayer improve quickly. 

Spending time with Shinobu and Kanao at their estate has allowed you to forge new friendships and deepen your connections within the Demon Slayer Corps. As you visit them for healing and other purposes, you find comfort in their company and the sense of camaraderie that comes with it. Sharing snacks and stories with them creates a warm atmosphere where you can relax and be yourself. Despite their serious roles as demon slayers, you discover their lighter sides and get to know them on a more personal level. 

Laughter and shared experiences strengthen your bonds, making you feel like part of a tight-knit community. During your visits, Shinobu and Kanao also generously share their knowledge and skills with you. They teach you techniques that complement your training with Giyu, broadening your repertoire of abilities. Learning from their different perspectives and expertise enriches your demon-slaying arsenal, making you a more versatile and capable fighter.

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