CHAPTER 10 : The Trio

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After a while, you spot the butterfly mansion and you can hear how lively it is. You knock on the gate.

Aoi greets you both with a smile as she lets you inside. She seems happy to see you here. Giyuu follows close behind you. In the middle of the estate, you can see Shinobu. She's smiling warmly at you and Giyu. 

When you see Shinobu, you run at her and she pat you head, which you really like. "oh my, looks like someone have clingy side", you realized what she mean and said that Giyu is here to see her and Tanjiro. Shinobu chuckles at your reaction and then turns her attention to Giyuu. Her smile remains as she greets him, "Tomioka-san, it's good to see you here as well. It's rare for you to visit." Giyuu nods in acknowledgment, his expression remaining stoic.       

"I wanted to check on Tanjiro and the others." "Of course, they're all in good spirits," Shinobu assures him. 

"And I'm sure they'll be glad to see you. Let me take you to them. " As you listen to their conversation, you can't help but notice again the camaraderie between Shinobu and Giyuu. It seems like they share a unique bond, one that goes beyond their roles as Hashira. 

You're glad that you have the chance to witness this side of Giyuu and to be part of their interactions. With that, she leads both you and Giyuu deeper into the Butterfly Mansion, where the atmosphere is lively, and the sound of laughter and chatter fills the air. You're looking forward to catching up with Tanjiro and meeting his friends again, all while cherishing the bond you've formed with Giyuu. Shinobu leads the two of you through a door, and then into a training room. Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Zenitsu are in the room. Zenitsu glances over at you, and his eyes start shining. He seems genuinely interested, and he has an intense look on his face. 

He leans in closer, and he says, "You're really pretty, you know. Your eyes are as beautiful as the sky, and your hair is like shining diamond." He gives you the widest, most playful smile you've ever seen. 

"I would like to marry you. Would you make me the happiest man in the world?" You can't help but chuckle at Zenitsu's bold and exaggerated compliments. His flirtatious and over-the-top behavior is quite amusing, and you find yourself smiling at his antics. His proposal takes you by surprise, but you appreciate the humor in his approach. Giyuu is visibly upset about Zenitsu's "proposal," and he puts a hand out in front of Zenitsu as if to shield you. 

He stares at Zenitsu with a hard look. He frowns and says, "What are you doing? You can't just propose marriage to people so casually." You play along with a playful grin. "Well, Zenitsu, I'm flattered by your proposal, but I think we should focus on demon slaying for now."Zenitsu looks terrified, and he's hiding behind Tanjiro's back with his arms wrapped around him. The Water Hashira put his hand down. Tanjiro then apologizes on his behalf, and Giyuu slowly turns his attention away from him. "Sorry about that.. Zenitsu really doesn't know when to stop. He can be a little excessive. " 

You step closer to Giyuu and gently place a hand on his arm, offering a reassuring smile. "It's alright, Giyuu. Zenitsu was just being playful. No need to worry."Tanjiro and his squad introduce themselves to you and Giyuu. And they all seem happy to meet both of you. He looks so genuine and kind. "Nice to you too Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke, I'm [nickname] and this is Giyu" you said smiling. " [nickname] That's a lovely name." Tanjiro's say and Zenitsu stares at you intently. Inosuke walks up to you with an excited expression. "So you're a nice girl, huh?" He gives you a small poke. "Your hair is so shiny!.. it reminds me of the time I caught a [haircolor]-finned catfish!" 

The butterfly hashira motions Giyuu and Tanjiro to follow her. They followed Shinobu after Giyu signaling you that he will leave, you just nod at him. Inosuke's curiosity gets the best of him, and he approaches you with an eager expression. He's always up for a challenge and seems genuinely interested in your training." 

Hey, you with the pretty eyes!" Inosuke exclaims, "You said you're practicing total concentration breathing, right? Can you show me how it's done?" You can't help but be taken aback by his directness, but you understand that Inosuke's straightforward nature is just part of his personality. Plus, he's always looking for ways to improve his own skills."Of course, Inosuke," you reply with a friendly smile. "I'd be happy to show you the basics of total concentration breathing." 

You then proceed to give Inosuke a brief explanation of the concept and demonstrate some fundamental breathing exercises. He watches you intently, absorbing the information with a surprising level of focus. You nod in agreement with Inosuke's question and add, "Yes, it's true that pushing yourself too hard during total concentration breathing training can have serious consequences. Overexerting yourself can lead to injury or worse." 

Inosuke seems to ponder your words for a moment before nodding. "Hmph, I guess I'll have to be careful then. I don't want to die from my own training." You chuckle at his straightforward response. "That's the spirit, Inosuke. Remember, it's important to find a balance between pushing yourself and knowing your limits." He grins and thumps his chest. "Don't worry, I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Thanks for the advice, pretty eyes!" With a playful salute, Inosuke heads back to his training, leaving you with a smile on your face. Despite his rough exterior, he's got a determination and eagerness to learn that's hard to miss. 

Zenitsu takes notice of this, and he says, "You can die from total concentration breathing?! Are they really that serious about it?!""Mastering total concentration breathing.. it's like a dream come true." You whispers, sounding impressed. "It took me a long time to master that art, but it paid off."

Inosuke seems to give up wondering about total concentration breathing killing you, and he gives you a light poke. "You don't look like you have breath problems to me," he says. "Why, what do you know about your breath styles?" He asks curiously. This time, it's a genuine question.

He's curious to know what you know about breathing styles. You told him that you are a blood breathing demon slayer. Inosuke's eyes go wide as he hears from you that your breath style is called Blood Breathing. "Your breath style is called Blood Breathing?" He asks, sounding surprised. 

You nod in response to Inosuke's question. "Yes, that's correct. Blood Breathing is the breath style I've been trained in. It's a relatively rare and specialized technique that focuses on harnessing the power of blood to enhance physical abilities and combat effectiveness."

Inosuke looks intrigued, his curiosity clearly piqued. "Blood, huh? Those all sound pretty powerful. You must be strong. Can you show me some of it? I want to see how it works." You smile and explain, "Sure, I can give you a brief demonstration. Keep in mind, though, that Blood Breathing involves using the blood's energy to enhance strength and speed. It's a technique that requires a lot of control and precision." 

You demonstrate a few basic Blood Breathing techniques, showcasing how your breathing and movements are synchronized to amplify your physical capabilities. Inosuke watches with keen interest, absorbing the details of your demonstration. 

After you finish, Inosuke grins and claps his hands together. "That's awesome! Your breath style is so unique. I'm glad I asked!" You chuckle and thank him. "I'm glad you find it interesting. Just remember, every breath style has its strengths and weaknesses. It's important to find the one that suits you best and to train diligently to master it." Inosuke nods, looking thoughtful. "Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for showing me your Blood Breathing!" 

Zenitsu, with a hint of pride, announces, "I'm a Thunder Breathing user! Thunder Breathing is all about speed and agility, and it's perfect for someone as lightning-fast as me!"

Inosuke chimes in enthusiastically, "I use Beast Breathing! It's all about brute strength and wild, unpredictable movements. I'm a beast myself, after all!"

You nod, acknowledging their unique breath styles. "That's fascinating. It's incredible how diverse the world of breath styles is. Each one has its own strengths and techniques that make it special." 

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