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Two weeks later, As you prepare for the day, you can't help but feel a bit confused by Giyuu's reaction. Giyu will be gone for 4 days doing demon hunting, so you plan to go in the butterfly mansion.Regardless, you try not to dwell on it too much and focus on your upcoming training with Tanjiro. You've been looking forward to honing your skills and learning from each other.

The bond between you and your fellow Demon Slayers has been growing stronger, and you're determined to make the most of it. Giyuu said you spend most of your time with Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Tanjiro, and he seemed annoyed for some reason. You take a warm bath. Tanjiro and his friends have all become very close to you, and you meet Tanjiro's sister Nezuko.In contrast to the demons you've met, The girl seems different from the monsters you've encountered before. She's actually quite cute. Nezuko is very different.

As soon as you meet her, you instantly feel a bond with her. You and Nezuko instantly become friends. You are now in buttefly mansion and Tanjiro tells you that they're going on a mission. You listen attentively as Tanjiro informs you about their upcoming mission to assist the Flame Pillar, Kyojuro Rengoku on the Mugen Train. The mission sounds challenging, especially with the mysterious disappearance of so forty people attributed to a demon. Zenitsu, and Inosuke are with him on this important quest.As you express your desire to join them on the mission, you're met with nods and smiles from Tanjiro and the others. The prospect of being part of such an important mission fills you with a mix of excitement and determination. However, a lingering sense of unease tugs at the back of your mind.

You can't quite shake off the feeling that something is amiss, but you try to push those thoughts aside for now and focus on preparing for the upcoming mission. The bonds you've formed with Tanjiro and the others have grown strong, and you're determined to face whatever challenges lie ahead together.

Yet.. the thrill that comes with a mission makes you rush forward. With Tanjiro and friends, you begin your journey to the Mugen Train. As you make your way to the Mugen Train, you notice it has gotten late.

Inosuke's wide-eyed amazement at the sight of the Mugen Train, despite the fact that his eyes are hidden behind his boar mask, brings a smile to your face. You chuckle softly, making sure not to disrupt the calm before the storm. It's moments like these that remind you of the unique camaraderie you share with your fellow demon slayers, even in the face of danger. You followed behind your companions as they rushed onto the Mugen Train, your footsteps echoing in the confined space. Inside the train, you all found yourselves quickly overwhelmed by the speed and motion of the vehicle. "So fast," Inosuke muttered in amazement, his voice carrying a mix of astonishment and exhilaration. Zenitsu's anxious voice joined in, "Sorry! We're very sorry!" He then grabbed Inosuke's arm and attempted to pull him further into the train. Inosuke, still trying to process the train's speed, complained, "So freakin' fast!"

As you walked alongside them, you found yourself caught in their conversation. "He's a Hashira, right?" Zenitsu's voice carried a hint of uncertainty.Tanjirou's confident response came, "Sure. He had this gaudy hairstyle, and I remember his scent, too." You chimed in, "I know his face." The camaraderie among your group was evident as you discussed your impending meeting with Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. Despite the tension of the mission ahead, your interactions were lighthearted, a testament to the bond you had all formed on this journey.

As the door swung open, revealing another compartment of the Mugen Train, you followed your companions inside. Your gaze immediately fell upon the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. He was seated amidst a spread of bento boxes, his attention fully absorbed by the meal in front of him.With each bite he took, a satisfied exclamation of "Delicious" escaped his lips, emphasizing his enjoyment of the food. The sight of him so wholeheartedly relishing his meal was an unexpected and oddly heartwarming sight in the midst of your mission.

Zenitsu couldn't hide his surprise as he whispered, "Is that the Flame Hashira guy?" You nodded in response, confirming his suspicion. Tanjirou's voice broke through the air, addressing the Flame Hashira, "R-Rengoku." His tone held a mixture of respect and anticipation.

As the introductions continued, Tanjirou introduced himself, Zenitsu, and Inosuke to Rengoku. Rengoku's gaze fell on the box you were carrying, and he seemed to understand its contents without needing further explanation. "It's my sister Nezuko," Tanjirou confirmed, his voice steady.

Rengoku nodded in understanding, "Right! That demon we saw that day, huh? Since the Master's acknowledged her, I won't say a word for now."

Rengoku's attention was momentarily drawn away as he recognized you, "And you're the kid from that day at the Master's, and [nickname]." You waved at him with a warm smile, acknowledging his recognition. With an inviting gesture, he offered, "Have a seat here." The atmosphere seemed to ease as you and your companions settled in, welcomed by the Flame Hashira's warmth and hospitality. Inosuke's excitement was palpable as he exclaimed, "Being inside the lord is mind-blowing!" His enthusiasm was contagious, and you couldn't help but laugh at his unfiltered wonder. Your amusement echoed as his excitement seemed boundless. Zenitsu, on the other hand, was growing increasingly anxious, "You're going to break the glass! Calm down already, will ya?" He worriedly admonished Inosuke, hoping to prevent any unintentional accidents.

Despite the potential chaos, you found their contrasting reactions entertaining, and your laughter continued to fill the room. Your stomachs makes a slight sound, and you feel a small pang of hunger. You look over at the Flame Hashira's food.

He managed to finish the entire bowl of bento, and there are still leftovers left. You feel your stomach rumble as you realize that you only ate Ohagi for lunch. He notices this and gave you one, he also give the others. Its really is delicious. It seems that Rengoku noticed your hungry gaze.

As Rengoku noticed your hungry gaze, he responded by offering you a bento box with a quiet affirmation, "It's delicious." Grateful for his gesture, you smiled warmly at him and accepted the bento box. The aroma wafting from the box was inviting, and your hunger pushed you to start eating without delay. The flavors were satisfying and comforting, and you savored each bite as you shared this moment with your fellow Demon Slayers. Rengoku looked at the four of you with curiosity and questioned, "What are you four doing here?" As Tanjiro explained the situation, Rengoku's interest grew. "A mission?" he repeated, seeking confirmation. Tanjiro continued, "We received an order from a Kasugai Crow. Though just three, [nickname] tagged along with us." Tanjiro conveyed the reasons behind your presence as you continued eating, and you chimed in, "Yes, I wanted to help you and join the mission, so here I am." Your determination was evident in your words, spoken between bites of the delicious bento.

Rengoku's serious gaze turned towards you and your friends as he posed a crucial question. "[Nickname], it's good that you volunteered to come, but does Giyu know about this?" His inquiry made you pause mid-bite, a realization dawning upon you that you had forgotten to inform Giyu about your involvement. The thought made you feel a bit flustered, and you nervously laughed, "haha, well, looks like not!" Feeling a bit embarrassed, you continued eating, your plan forming to send Giyu a message as soon as you finished your meal.

As you finished your meal, you retrieved your quill and paper, ready to write. Gazing out of the train window, you marveled at the serene, moonlit night. The calmness of the night resonated with you. You decided to capture this moment in a drawing, hoping that sharing this beautiful scenery with Giyu would make him less upset about your unplanned involvement. While you sketched, you could hear your friends conversing nearby.

You remained engrossed in capturing the beautiful scene through your sketch as the conversation unfolded around you.

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