CHAPTER 2 : Are you flirting with me?

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Utilizing your Crimson Dance three times, you sweep through the demon horde, ensuring they pose no further threat. As the battlefield clears, you decide to use your remaining buff to assist Giyu Tomioka in dealing with the lower moon demon.

Activating your "Third Form: Bloodmist," you become invisible and swiftly make your way towards the lower moon demon. He remains unaware of your presence as you close in from behind. When the moment is right, you invoke the "Second Form: Resonance," targeting his vital points to deliver a stunning blow. 

You deftly pierce the vital point of the lower moon demon at the base of its neck, just below the skull. This precise strike effectively stuns the demon, rendering it temporarily incapacitated and vulnerable to further attacks, providing an opening for Giyu to deliver the final strike, he use the Third Form: Flowing Dance. Together, you and Giyu Tomioka have successfully defeated a formidable foe. Your actions play a pivotal role in the battle, showcasing your strategic prowess and skill as a demon slayer.

As the battle comes to a pause, you take a moment to catch your breath. Observing the aftermath of your combined efforts, you turn to Giyu Tomioka and remark, "Wow, your breathing style is truly powerful." Your words acknowledge his formidable skills and the impact they've had on the battle. Giyu Tomioka's response surprises you; he gazes at you with an expression that carries a hint of sadness. His reply is a simple question, "Is it?" It's as though your compliment has stirred some deeper emotions or reflections within him, leaving you uncertain about its meaning. Unsure of the cause, you respond, "Yes, it's incredibly impressive. Your skills are truly remarkable. "Curious about his perspective and seeking to engage him in conversation, you inquire, "Are there other breathing styles you're familiar with?" It's an attempt to keep the dialogue going and perhaps learn more about his experiences as a demon slayer.

"I only know one," Giyu Tomioka's response is brief, and he sheathes his sword as he starts moving forward. It's clear that he doesn't seem inclined to engage in further conversation. As you walk alongside him, you consider playfully teasing him to lighten the mood.

With a playful smile, you comment, "Hey, aren't you quite the catch? I mean, seriously, you're strong, handsome, and those deep-blue eyes of yours are like a beautiful lake I'd visit whenever I'm feeling lonely." Your words carry a touch of humor, a playful attempt to lift the mood. Your playful comment catches Giyu Tomioka off guard for a moment. His usually stoic demeanor seems briefly disrupted, and a faint hint of surprise flashes across his face before he regains his composure. He wasn't the type of man who flirted with women, much less received any sort of affection from them. Indeed, Giyu Tomioka is known for his serious and reserved nature. Your light-hearted remark must have been quite unusual for him. In Giyu Tomioka's mind, he finds himself unsure of how to respond to your playful comment. Given his reserved nature, he may be considering a simple and polite way to acknowledge the remark while gently turning it down, so as not to encourage further teasing or flirtation. He looks confused, unsure of whether or not to take your words seriously. 

"Are you flirting with me..?" You continue to observe Giyu Tomioka, hoping for another glimpse of a reaction from him. His evident struggle to respond to your teasing comment strikes you as endearing, and you can't help but find it somewhat cute. As you sense the presence of another demon, you swiftly prepare yourself, gripping your sword in readiness. Simultaneously, Giyu Tomioka readies himself for battle, deploying his signature attack technique with practiced ease. The two of you are prepared to face the new threat, united in your mission as demon slayers. As you and Giyu Tomioka rush toward the demon's presence, you're both taken aback when you come across a stunning woman with flowing blue hair, dressed in a pristine Shiromuku wedding gown. She gazes at both of you with a mixture of relief and despair, and in a haunting plea, she implores, "At last, someone hears me... Please, kill me!" Her request leaves you both stunned and bewildered, uncertain of how to respond to this strange and distressing encounter. As the woman stands before you, tears streaming down her face and murmuring in distress, you witness Giyu Tomioka's determination to end her suffering. 

With a solemn nod, he readies his sword and invokes his breathing technique, "Fifth Form: Blessed Rain After the Drought." The water-based attack is executed with precision, and the moment the technique is unleashed, you can sense its potency, seemingly designed to grant peace to those who are tormented. The woman's pleas are met with this somber resolution as the attack engulfs her.

Following the demon's words of gratitude, her form disintegrates into ashes, Giyu Tomioka resheathes his sword and remains standing in the aftermath of the encounter. The weight of the situation leaves you at a loss for words, unsure of how to break the silence that hangs heavy in the air. You move closer to Giyu, intending to offer comfort, but your attention is abruptly drawn to the enchanting pond before you.

 You begin to comment on its beauty, "It's so pretty, the water is a deep blue like your—" However, your words trail off as you turn to find Giyu Tomioka looking at you with an expression devoid of emotion. His stoic demeanor remains unchanged, leaving you uncertain about how he might be feeling after the recent events.Giyu Tomioka's question catches you off guard. He looks at you, serious as ever, and asks, "Is there a reason... you are flirting with me...?" His straightforward inquiry leaves you with a mixture of surprise and a hint of embarrassment as you realize that your earlier comments and actions may have been interpreted as flirtatious.

You respond with a playful tone, raising your eyebrows and grinning, "Eh, am I flirting with you, good sir?" Your attempt at humor and lightheartedness aims to defuse the tension and acknowledge the situation in a more light-hearted manner.

Giyu Tomioka's response remains unchanged, and he continues to look at you with an emotionless expression. His question prompts you to reconsider your words and actions, realizing that they may have indeed come across as flirtatious despite your intent to simply lighten the atmosphere.

Giyu Tomioka's request for you to stop is met with a low chuckle. Irritated, you respond with a playful grin, "Oh, it seems that someone is not used to getting hit on." Your comment is delivered with a touch of teasing.

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