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[Third POV]

Tanjiro carefully places [nickname] on the ground, and then takes a seat beside [nickname]. Inosuke comes over to check on him and [nickname], but he addresses them both with incorrect names. [nickname] start using recovery breathing to make herself calm and for muscle recovery to fight later on.

[nickname] is so exhausted and preventing her from responding. All [nickname] want is to rest for a few minutes, and then she'll be okay.

Tanjiro looks at you, a look of awe on his face. He can't deny your power, and he seems a bit impressed. "You're scarily powerful, [nickname]," he says, chuckling softly.

Tanjiro noticing that the sun will rise soon. The train stop moving and the flesh seems gone now.

Enmu's thoughts raced in a frenzy as he faced his impending demise. "That woman.. Who is she? This is her fault. No, this is that Flame Hashira's fault! If I just kill them, am I gonna die? This is nightmare..."

(Enmu before he disintegrated into ash.)

[[nickname] POV]

You hear Rengoku talking to Tanjiro about Total Concentration Breathing, complimenting him on his skills and explaining that he needs to be consistent in his breathing in order to make his forms more powerful.

You hear a loud thump, and feel a powerful aura. "Upper moon... 3," Tanjiro says.

The mention of an Upper Moon makes your nerves tingle, and you realize that you can't be a nuisance.

The realization that you're facing a formidable opponent, one of the most powerful demons in existence, weighs heavily on your mind.

You try to open your eyes slowly, and eventually manage to get them open. You can see that Rengoku is staring intently at something ahead. You successfully seat too.

Your heartbeat quickens as you sense danger ahead.

Rengoku immediately jumps in and shields both of you, and the demon, Akaza looks over at you and grins.

They introduces themselves first. The demon are now infront of you and you see he wants you dead, but Rengoku's blade strikes his hands.

You were shock, you didn't notice him coming towards you.

However, the demon easily regenerates them, and stands up with a wide grin on his face.

You listen carefully to Akaza and Rengoku's exchange, and you realize that the demon is belittling you and your aura.

You remember a piece of advice that your grandfather passed down to you: "When a demon belittles you, it will lower its defenses and make a careless attack, giving you the perfect opportunity to strike."

With this knowledge, you know that you can utilize Akaza's arrogance and confidence in your power against him. Although you really weak right now.

The fight between Rengoku and Akaza begins, and you notice just how quick the Upper Moon is. Each strike is fast, but Rengoku manages to keep up with Akaza's movements. The fight seems to be evenly matched. You can hear snippets of conversation between Akaza and Rengoku, as they battle. The Upper Moon 3 seems to want Rengoku to become a demon, so that they can fight for eternity.

You hear Rengoku refuse Akaza's offer and continue to battle the Upper Moon three.

Akaza is surprisingly impressed by the strength and perseverance shown by Rengoku. Akaza seems more determined than ever to convince Rengoku to become a demon, as the battle continues.

You know that Rengoku is struggling, and you want to help him. You regain your strength and stand up, your resolve unwavering. You can see the sky starting to lighten as dawn approaches. This might be your chance to turn the tide of the battle in your favor. Your sword is ready in your hand, and you wait for the right moment when the sun's rays can be used as a weapon against Akaza.

You use your Bloodmist form, Resonance, and Rampage. You attack on time with precise timing, slashing through Akaza's hand and piercing your sword into his neck before he can pierce his hand to Rengoku's body.

This attack catches the demon off guard, and he is momentarily stunned. Although he didn't die and wants to get away from your sword and Rengoku's sword. Rengoku is shocked to you too and trying to keep Akaza on the spot.

You keep your sword in place, to ensure that the demon doesn't recover quickly.

As Rengoku tries to contain him, you hear Akaza curse you, "B1tch!, I'll Kill you!" and try to attack you once more.

Suddenly, Tanjiro rushes forward and uses the Sun Breathing technique, "Hinokami Kagura." The demon is consumed by flames, and you feel shocked by this display of power.

The battle continues, you, Tanjiro and Rengoku take on the Upper Moon 3 together.

The demon, Akaza, is still alive and seems to want to flee the battle. He manages to attack Rengoku's hand again, despite your attempts to contain him. You find you are unable to prevent this blow. You stand there, feeling helpless as the demon manages to injure a Hashira and before the sun rays reach Akaza, he manage to get away with both of your swords. Tanjiro tries to catch him, using his own sword as a spear, but the demon manages to flee.

You sit down next to Hashira's hands and try to apply pressure on the blood using your handkerchief that you get from your backpack, you learn this to your sister, who have patients like this one. You feel  guilty and a bit embarrassed of what your doing can help his wounds, but you wanted to help in any way you could despite knowing that he control his blood flow using Total Concentration Breathing. As you do this, you hear Hashira chuckle to himself.

Rengoku expresses his gratitude, telling you that you saved him as his blood is still flowing onto his face and hand. You smile at him. However, the demon's attack have taken one of Rengoku's hands.

"It's alright, [nickname]! I'm glad that you helped me there. I appreciate your help." Rengoku looks at you with a small smile, his eyes looking a bit tired. He seems to be at peace with the prospect of being one-handed.

You told to Kashuki that your home is nearby and your sister is a doctor, and suggest to go there for medical attention. The Kakushi nods and decides to piggyback you back home. You give your home address... On the way there, you fall asleep, they want to find your sister immediately, to help treat the seriously wounded people, including Rengoku.

Kakushi knocks on the door of your home and your sister opens the door, and upon seeing the casualties, she is shocked. She quickly takes you inside and tries to find ways to help everyone. Rengoku is also taken inside, and he seems to be resting on the couch.

Your sister, [Sister's name] [Last name], is a doctor with exceptional skills.

 The wounded people are all brought inside, and your sister begins her work, while simultaneously asking each patient what happened to them. After your sister finish her remedies on everyone wounds, she ask the kakushis to tell her what happened to you and your Kakushi that brought you there begins to tell your sister about how you helped in the fight with Upper Moon 3.

As you wake up from your brief slumber, you find yourself in a familiar and comforting environment, your old bedroom, it looks like your family take cares everything that belongs to you. You exit your room and go in the living room. You saw mostly the furniture put aside and the people gathered in the middle. Most of them are conscious. You see Rengoku resting on the couch with your  sister is busy attending to his injuries his breathing is steady, and his injuries appear to be well attended to. You look around and notice that the trio is not here anymore.

You look again at your sister and smile happily, you couldn't be more grateful for your sister's presence and expertise in this critical moment.

A sense of calm surrounds you as you rest again peacefully in your bedroom. You're in your home, and surrounded by family.

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