CHAPTER 3 : Giyu Propose You To Live In His House

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While you're engrossed in your drawing, you hear Giyu Tomioka's warning. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible. There's nothing stopping the other demons from showing up, so we need to hurry." You sense his departure.

Giyu Tomioka's voice breaks through your concentration, and you're startled as he touches the hand you're using for drawing. He looks visibly upset, and you're taken aback, assuming he had already left since you didn't sense his movements.

As you attempt to resist, Giyu's grip on your hand tightens. He implores you, "Come on, I need to finish this," but his urgency is evident. He questions you pointedly, "Is it more important than your life? Let's go." His words emphasize the gravity of the situation, and it's clear that he's genuinely concerned for your safety.

Considering the value of the pond's scenery and the uniqueness of the moment, you take a moment to commit it to memory. You understand that returning to this place may not be easy, and the best way to capture it is through your detailed drawing. You take a mental snapshot of the pond's details, wanting to capture it as accurately as possible in your memory before following Giyu Tomioka to ensure your safety.

As you both make your way toward the exit, you decide to break the silence by introducing yourself. "Hey," you begin, "My name is [nickname], and I'm from down south, quite far from here" You realize that you hadn't offered your name earlier, although Giyu Tomioka hadn't asked or shown much interest in knowing it.

Despite your introduction, Giyu Tomioka remains silent and focused on walking. Suddenly, a loud thud resonates ahead, followed by a massive cloud of smoke. Your senses tell you that a powerful demon has made its presence known. Frustration washes over you as you realize that this cursed forest seems to be an endless source of danger and challenges.

Both you and Giyu Tomioka unsheathe your swords in anticipation of the formidable demon before you. The demon, unfazed by your presence, taunts you with a sense of déjà vu, remarking, "Two demon slayers in one night, how lucky."

As Giyu Tomioka engages in combat with the lower moon demon, you can't help but sardonically remark to yourself, "How lucky can I be? Two lower moons in one day. Maybe I'll even get to fight an upper moon if I'm really fortunate." Your wry sense of humor serves as a coping mechanism in the face of the escalating battle and the ever-present dangers of this cursed forest.

-Echoing Resonance: The lower moon demon's Blood Demon Art lets it control sound waves. It can create powerful sound vibrations for offense and defense. It releases intense sound waves to confuse and weaken foes, affecting their balance and senses. It can also create a barrier of sound to block incoming attacks, making it a formidable fighter in battle.-

In a critical moment, with the demon using its voice to stun Giyu, you swiftly intervene. As the demon grasps Giyu's head, preparing to harm him, you initiate Total Concentration, sharpening your senses and focus for the battle ahead, followed by employing Bloodmist to cloak yourself in invisibility, making it difficult for the demon to detect your movements.

Unseen, you cut the demon's hand, releasing Giyu from its grasp. As the demon tries to shout at you, you jump upward and before he can use his voice to stun you, you then use Resonance and surprise the demon by stabbing its neck to stun it momentarily. Urging Giyu into action, you position yourself away from the demon, providing him the opening he needs.

He seizes the moment, launches Seventh Form: Drop Ripple Thrust, a swift and precise stab that penetrates the demon's defenses. The deadly blow proves fatal, and the demon falls, defeated by your strategic teamwork and combined effort.

As you sheathe your sword and sigh, the day's battle has left you drained, feeling as though you might sleep through an entire day. Your gaze shifts to Giyu, who's watching the ashes of the defeated demon, lost in his own thoughts. Unexpectedly, Giyu breaks the silence, acknowledging the uniqueness of your breathing technique. Your playful side emerges, and with a mischievous grin, you tease Giyu, "Eh, are you flirting with me?" His momentary confusion followed by a slight blush catches you by surprise, although he quickly regains his stoic composure. 

Clearing his throat, he continues, "What I mean is, if you're willing," he pauses, choosing his words carefully, "we can work on enhancing your breathing technique further." His offer holds the promise of growth and improvement, an opportunity to become an even more formidable demon slayer. The shock of Giyu's offer leaves you momentarily speechless. "You mean your apprentice(tsukugo)?" The idea of becoming Giyu's apprentice is both unexpected and overwhelming. 

After all, you've spent twelve years tirelessly honing your skills, starting at the age of eight, and have only mastered five forms—a slower pace compared to many others. Giyu, a renowned Hashira known for his strength, has extended this invitation to you. The thought of learning from him, someone you've looked up to, leaves you both surprised and honored. It's an opportunity that could reshape your journey as a demon slayer and accelerate your growth in ways you never imagined.

The forest may be cursed, but it has also forged an unexpected bond and partnership between you and Giyu, one that may lead to even greater strength in the future. Giyu's simple "yes" in response to your question carries a weight of emotions that's hard to comprehend. 

You find yourself still in disbelief and seek further clarification, asking him, "Why?" He meets your gaze, and although he's already given his reasons, he repeats, "You can reject my offer, I won't mind," in his usual reserved manner. However, he closes the distance between you, prompting you to listen more closely.

"If you become my apprentice," he continues, "you need to live in my house." His voice remains steady, though he seems slightly more open than before. "You mentioned you're from down south, quite far from here. We'll need to train extensively, so I need you to be nearby. If you don't like the idea of living in my house, you can rent. I'll help you look for one."

It's the longest he's spoken to you thus far. After a moment, you clear your throat and finally respond, " I accept this offer and am willing to live in your house. But I'll need to gather my belongings from home" It's a significant decision, and one that could change the course of your life as a demon slayer.

Giyu's acknowledgment comes with a sense of readiness. He agrees, "Yes, I'll give you time to settle," understanding the need to gather your belongings. However, he swiftly redirects your attention to an important task at hand.

"Before you return home, we should head to Master Ubuyashiki's mansion to report the mission we encountered," Giyu suggests, his tone decisive. Without further delay, he starts moving toward the exit, prompting you to follow him as you prepare for the journey ahead.

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