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After climbing out the broken window with Yoongi, you gave him back his brass knuckles and singular pocketknife. "Here. You'll need these."

Yoongi's hands of bloody knuckles took them. He put on the brass knuckles and gripped the pocketknife with the blade out. His eyes didn't glare at you this time. His hate towards you was diminishing.

There was a scout ahead standing guard. With the knife, Yoongi snuck behind him and slit his throat.

Yoongi assassinated every private policeman in his path on his way to an armored truck to escape. When he got to one, he used the blade of his pocketknife to pick the lock and managed to get the door opened, but you pushed it closed.

 When he got to one, he used the blade of his pocketknife to pick the lock and managed to get the door opened, but you pushed it closed

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"What are you doing?" He growled quietly.

"You can't drive." You answered protectively. "You lost an eye and you're badly hurt. You need to go to a hospital."

"I don't need a hospital."

"Yes you do." You whimpered. You worried about him. "Don't be stubborn. You need medical help NOW."

"I didn't ask for your help."

"You're getting it whether you like it or not."


"You're broken."

"HEY!!" Shouted the voice of one of the guards. "You two!!"

"Get in! I'll drive!" You rushed Yoongi.

Yoongi stayed silently where he was.

"Go!" You pushed him to the front of the car.

Yoongi stumbled, trying to catch himself. A bullet hit the plate of the armored truck near your shoulder. Yoongi flinched. The gunshot was warning enough to make him vault and slide across the truck hood to the other side. You jumped inside behind the wheel and slammed the door, then unlocked the doors for Yoongi. Yoongi swung it open and got in.

Of course, you didn't have the keys to get the engine started. You didn't know how to steal a car the way a thief would. Hurriedly, Yoongi explained how to hotwire and hijack the armored truck because you were the only one in the position to do so.

You were able to hotwire the truck successfully thanks to Yoongi and drove off all the way back to Busan. During the trip, Yoongi was silent. And so were you. Every now and again, a tear would slip out of your eye. Ahead in the horizon, the sun was rising.

It'd been less than 24 hours since so much had happened. It took so little time to turn Yoongi against you. All it took was one lie and the will to protect him. All it took was misunderstood love to brew hate. But could that hate be cured back into love?

You drove Yoongi to the same hospital that relocated his thumb. From the truck, you helped Yoongi as he limped into the ER, but you forced him to leave his pocketknife and brass knuckles behind.

A nurse had taken you and Yoongi to a room to check his vitals, take a blood sample, and give him some pain meds. Yoongi struggled at first, trying to run and escape, but you and the nurse caught him before he could leave and put him on the hospital bed, holding him down.

He hated hospitals and feared them, but you had no choice but to bring him here for his own good. Even though Yoongi disregarded you, you stroked his hair and softly told him to calm his river and let the stream flow.

His one dead eye that was slashed and all cloudy and white was still so alien to you. You would never get used to him now being half blind.

Yoongi was exhausted. He was worn down by all the emotions, pain, and suffering he had to endure. He used so much energy to fight and to hate.

Loopy from painkilling drugs, Yoongi signed a paper for the doctor to have his eye removed and replaced by a prosthesis implant without knowing he did. He was very out of it.

It took them a few hours to get Yoongi into surgery, and when he was sent off, you left the armored truck and walked yourself home in tears.

You left the truck there with intentions that it would eventually get towed. You knew it wouldn't be charged on you because it wasn't even yours.

You had many reasons to cry: you were forced to betray Yoongi and hand him over to his enemy to keep him alive, Yoongi practically broke up with you because of it, you heard the torture Yoongi had to go through (and his tormented screams still haunted you to the core), you were hated and disregarded by Yoongi, it was revealed that your uncle actually shot your parents' plane down for the inheritance, now Yoongi was in the hospital getting surgery to replace his eye with a fake one, and you felt that all of this was your fault from the very beginning.

In the end, you still loved Yoongi, but not the person that possessed his body.

The dream he had about you.... It was obvious he still at least cared about you in some way. He was humming and moaning and calling your dream version "sweetheart." Because of this, you believed there was still good in him. You thought there was still love somewhere.

He protected you against your uncle. Somewhere in that battle, it felt as if he somewhat fought for you.

Yoongi was still in there. It was just a matter of getting him back.

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