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You were walking through downtown with Yoongi. It was summer and Yoongi was back to racing again for the new season with his "Reaper" and "Savage." You'd almost been with him for two years already.

Yoongi was especially attractive today and you couldn't figure out why.

Yoongi was especially attractive today and you couldn't figure out why

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Downtown Busan today was super busy. You could lose Yoongi easily in the vast sea of people on the sidewalks, so you stuck very close to him and held his arm while his hands were stuffed in his jeans' pockets. It was a good day with him.

Because it was close quarters with people on the sidewalk anyway, someone in a grey hoodie bumped into you. It wasn't the first time it happened. You were about to leave to your place with Yoongi in your Mustang, but it was just a matter of getting there that was difficult.

You felt a sudden coldness on your finger. Looking at your hand, your birthstone ring was gone. You weren't really surprised.

"Give it back." You sighed to Yoongi.

"Give what back?" He looked at you.

"My ring."

"I don't have your ring."

"Yes you do! You took it just now!"

"I didn't take your ring. My hands have been in my pockets this whole time."

"Then who....?" You paused, trying to think.

Yoongi spotted a familiar shine in the distance ahead. "Shit." He muttered quietly, then raised his voice so you could hear him. "Go home. I'll meet you there. Don't wait for me."


"Just go. I'll be quick." He moved out of your hold. "HEY!" He yelled, chasing the hooded person down.

The person bolted, hoping they could lose Yoongi. You had never seen Yoongi move so actively fast before. While Yoongi was busy chasing down your thief, you went straight to the car in a parking garage and drove home.

The thief ran into an alley, but it was a dead end. Yoongi blocked their only exit, trapping them in. He strolled closer.

"Dead end. Your mistake." Yoongi huffed. "Hand over what doesn't belong to you."

"Come and get it." Said the thief stubbornly.

"Is that an invite? Or a challenge?"

"Answering that will ruin the fun."

Yoongi smirked, slipping his spiked, black brass knuckles on. "You got that right. I'll be taking that ring back, if you don't mind. Even if I have to pry it from your crippled fingers."

"I'm not crippled. Never was." The thief replied casually.

"You will be soon."

The both of them held blades. It was clear to Yoongi where this was going to go, and how it was going to end. He had confidence he would win easily without any problem. He'd been in this same scenario before many times.

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