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Sitting in the back of the Yamaha and holding onto your new boyfriend, Yoongi drove down the highway that left Busan. He was zooming passed cars around him, but he didn't swerve into different lanes often. "FIRST" by EVERGLOW was playing loudly on his radio.

(A/N: For motorcycle sound purposes:)

You felt strange being the only one around on a bike and unsheltered while everybody else surrounding you were in cars. Traveling by motorcycle had a totally different feeling than a convertible.

(A/N: That was an actual feeling I had when riding for the first time all day with my uncle.)

Yoongi turned into the next exit, taking him to the next town over. He rode to an empty parking lot just to drop you off so he could do little tricks for his own fun. You watched him burn some rubber as you knew he loved to do.

(A/N: I'm not explaining the whole thing, so here. Watch this.)

When he stood aside to take a break from the bike, you pushed his black visor up and looked him straight in the eyes with a little impressed smile. "My daredevil."

From the upturn in his sharp eye shape, you could tell he bore a smile of pride, even though you couldn't see the grin itself behind the full-face helmet.

When you both were ready, you climbed on the Yamaha in the exact same positions as last time. Yoongi sped down the highway back to Busan, the wind combating the heat of the summer as it kept you comfortably ventilated.

While holding Yoongi's front torso in your arm with your chest pressed against his back, you let your eyes wander and look around as you rode through the city. The scent of seawater grew stronger and more fragrant. Normally, you had grown used to the seawater smell that secretly roamed the city, but this time it was more noticeable than usual.

Yoongi pulled up and parked near a beach strip mall. You knew this was the final destination. Shutting off the motorcycle and putting the kickstand down, he let you get off first. He stood with you while you both freed yourselves of your helmets.

"Let's get some lunch." Yoongi suggested.

"Lunch?? But we haven't even had breakfast yet!" You whined.

"YOU had a donut. That was your breakfast."

"That was just a morning snack." You pouted, crossing your arms.

Yoongi checked the time on his phone. "It's 10:30. Lunch is about to start soon. Come on. Let's get something to eat."

Yoongi already walked off, shoving his phone back in his pocket while you were sure to stay with him, both of you still carrying your helmets. His arm snaked around your back and waist and pulled you against the side of his body as you strolled together. You were beginning to blush.

"Beaches are hotspots for flirts," He began. "So as long as you stay extra close to me, nobody should bother us."

"You also have the face of Death itself, so I'm pretty sure you'll just scare most people off." You added.

Yoongi snickered.

You found a place to eat and sat in a booth, keeping your helmets on the empty seats beside you, but you were the one with the backpack, and he had his gloves stuffed in his helmet. You and Yoongi both ordered smoothies as your drinks.

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