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From the black armored truck, you and Yoongi were pushed and shoved through your childhood house that your uncle took over. It was posing as the headquarters of his mafia business.

When you were dragged downstairs to the basement, it was like the whole place was transformed into a dungeon. A modern dungeon. There were barred cells everywhere. You were too unsettled to look around, so you kept your eyes on the passing concrete floor as you walked.

One of the men removed the cuffs keeping you both bound, opened a creaky door, and Yoongi was tossed into a cell. He tripped and fell, and before he could lift himself up, you were shoved and collapsed onto his back. Yoongi grunted loudly from the impact. The barred door was then closed and locked.

"Sit tight and don't go anywhere." The private policeman crudely mocked before he marched off.

"Get off!" Yoongi's voice grumbled while he tried to get up and throw you off him.

You moved off his back and sat down next to him. Yoongi crawled away from you, propping himself up against a cold cement wall.

"I don't know what's worse: that taser or being stuck in here with YOU." He muttered.

"How long are you going to hate for?" You quietly asked him.

"I would rather be locked up in a cell with a wild bear." He was loaded with sass.

"Yoongi, you don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't tell me what I do and don't know."

"You know that what you think I'm doing is wrong."

"Shut up."

"Yoongi, I hate my uncle for everything he's done already. He's turned us against each other. He made me betray you. He threatened to kill you if I didn't obey him." You listed. "Your anger is feeding you lies. You've convinced yourself that I'm the villain when you know you want to know the truth. And I'll tell it to you."

"I've heard enough from you. I don't listen to hellspawns." Yoongi scowled.

"Well, you're going to hear it anyway. He gave me a choice: either to lure you to him for capture or to let him have you killed on the spot. I chose to keep you alive to protect you. I can't let him kill you."

"Protect me?" He scoffed. "You're better off letting me fend for myself. I went out of my way to protect you while you didn't do the same for me. And what do I get in return? A fucking stab in the back!"

"That's wrong and you know it! I protected you in different ways! You're just too blind to see it! I took care of you! I sheltered you! I supported you! I comforted you! You don't call that protection?!"

"I call that false consolation!"

Tears escaped the prison of your eyes. "One of these days when you stop holding grudges and your mind is clear, you'll regret every word you said just now."

"Maybe in hell."

"Quit the barking!" A voice demanded.

Turning your heads, one of the private policemen stood on the other side of the bars.

"Silver wants the stray."

"What for?" Questioned Yoongi in suspicion.


"I don't know anything useful."

"We'll see about that."

The door was unlocked and opened. The man grabbed Yoongi to his feet and shoved him out, closing and locking the door with you still inside. Then, he walked Yoongi down the hall, trapping Yoongi's arms behind him so he couldn't escape while you watched them disappear.

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