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After dropping you off, Agust D drove all the way back down to the lower city.

The lower city was always known to have a bad reputation and to be riddled with crime. It was where the poor people lived, and when they get desperate, they sometimes default to criminal activity. Agust D lived in these parts, along with JK. He was toughened by these neighborhoods. He had to learn how to street fight on his own just to protect himself and save his own skin. Agust D was a troublemaker, a petty criminal. He never really caused any harm to anyone.

Agust D rolled up on his apartment building and parked his matte black Yamaha sportsbike inside his garage, then shut the door and locked it so no one could steal his motorcycle. Inside the building, he went up to the second floor and entered his small apartment.

He removed his steel toe leather boots at the door and tossed his racing helmet onto the couch with the keys and his leather steel knuckle biker gloves. The time on the oven clock said 2:10 in the morning. He never got home this late from the races.

Agust D shambled to his bedroom down the hall and to the left. He pulled a standing frame with a cracked glass face down on his dresser so he wouldn't have to see it. He then threw off his leather jacket and black cargo pants before plopping in bed in just a t-shirt and boxers with his phone in his hand.

He kept in mind that the drift races were in two weeks. And those were going to be even more tiring than the drag races. He did not want to prepare his wallet for what might happen to his blue Stingray when the drift month would come. He could only hope that something minor like a dent would happen instead of having someone pop his back tire and make him spin out on a sharp turn he was supposed to drift and crash badly enough to need months of repairs which also would get him disqualified from the rest of drifting season like what happened to him last year. Racers were allowed to play dirty on the drift tracks.

Even after his close wins tonight, Agust D had a hard time going to sleep. He hated that he couldn't fall asleep in seconds like what normally would happen. His mind started to wander to you and he hated that.

He began to ponder about you. He had seen you at Underground for several years. You were there since he started street racing, since his three other friends started street racing. Now that you had seen his face and warehouse, he wondered what he was going to do with you. Force you to stay quiet and keep the secret? Should he tell the other three racers about you? What if he kidnapped you for the sake of secrecy?

Nah. That would be too far. He had nowhere to put you anyway.

He couldn't stand the fact that you saw his face and heard his voice. That wasn't supposed to happen. Now that you knew, he didn't want you to remember him, to remember his face or voice. Letting you go without a quick chat would be catastrophic for him. But what to do with you he was not sure. He was too tired for ideas. He didn't know what to do. He felt the best option was to consult with the others first on what to do before acting on his own accord.

All this overthinking made Agust D fall asleep into a worriless dream.

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