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Jin sent Yoongi back to your place so you could give him his eye medicine.

It was really late at night; probably 1 or 2 AM. You were falling asleep to a movie on the couch until you heard the door open. Yoongi had been gone all day.

Yoongi took the remote and shut off the TV. The sudden blackness made you pop your eyes open. You saw a shadow head for the stairs.

"I'm going to bed." Informed Yoongi's voice.

"Okay.... Let me get your drops..." You murmured tiredly.

You got up and followed him upstairs to the guest room he'd been sleeping in. All Yoongi did was lazily throw off his shoes and pants and went straight under the covers.

You stood beside him while he sat up and took the bottle of ointment on the table next to the bed. "Head back."

Yoongi tilted his head backwards until his face was parallel to the ceiling. You carefully pried the sunglasses from his eyes and set them aside on the table. Pushing his top eyelid up, you hovered the bottle directly above his eye and squeezed a small drop inside. Yoongi naturally blinked and screwed his eyes shut.

"I'll get you some water and then you can open your eyes when I get back if you want." You let him know what you were about to do.

You set the ointment down next to him. Downstairs, you took a glass and filled it up with the clear liquid of water and brought it back up to Yoongi, then set it down on the table for him. Before you could go, you heard his voice.

"Y/N." Yoongi mumbled.

You stopped and looked at him.

"I.... I've been dreaming about you."

Your head slightly cocked to the side before you stepped closer to him to listen.

"About us before all this. What we were like as a couple."

"I know." Your voice rolled out of your throat like soft silk. "After they locked you away with me when they finished.... hurting you..... you went to sleep in exhaustion, and you dreamed about us as if you never hated me. I heard you. You called me 'sweetheart' in your dream."

"Those dreams hurt more than this did." He confessed, touching his healing scar. "Even with two eyes, I was so blind."

You wandered closer, sitting next to his legs on the bed.

"Namjoon made me see the bigger picture. He put me in your shoes and pressured me with questions. Questions like.... if we swapped places the night I lost my eye, what I would do. He asked me why I would do all those things. I didn't realize my answers were exactly what you did for me.... Because of him... I'm.... I'm not mad at you anymore.... If you were me and I were you... I would've done the same thing you did...."

Wait, is he.... regretting everything? You asked yourself in your brain.

"I-I.... miss you. I miss us. I was just too angry and stubborn to see what you were really doing. I let my past trauma get in the way. ....Like I always do..." Yoongi was tearing up, his voice beginning to break. "You've been taking care of me this entire time, and I've been blind for almost two months...."

"Yoongi, it's okay to feel this way. Surgery takes a heavy toll on a lot of people."

"I'm not talking about the fucking eye! I made you my maid! I put you to work for every little thing! I became a hellspawn! Why can't you see that I used you?!"

You only gave him gentle eyes. "Because I don't feel that way. I understand what your intense emotions have been doing to you. Your anger changed you into someone else. But I don't love him. I love Yoongi. I know he's still in there."

Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy FFWhere stories live. Discover now