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You were in tears after Yoongi finished the story of him and his brother. It explained the little scars on his back. It explained why he was afraid of attachment now. It explained why he was so silent about his past. And it explained the suicidal panic attack he just had.

Yoongi cried again, the loss of his brother still hitting him like a meteor shower. While sitting on the bed with him, you embraced him with care. He accepted it.

"I never talked to my parents after that." Yoongi added with his wobbly voice.

"I can imagine. I'm so sorry, Yoongi." You apologized for his loss in a soft tone. "Thank you for telling me."

He sank into you. He could tell you understood the pain of loss.

"I never had any siblings, but my parents died in a plane crash when they left the country for a trip. That's how I inherited all my money. I was 18." You expressed your personal experience. You didn't know all the details.

"You've been on this rollercoaster longer than I have." Yoongi tried to lighten up and smile, but it wasn't working.

"I'm over it now. I wear this ring of my birthstone to remember my mom because it was hers. Sometimes it gets me down, but knowing I have you for a great boyfriend, I know I'll be okay in the end."

He finally broke into a real smile, then placed his forehead on yours. Your fingers creviced through his dark hair. You couldn't resist it, and he liked it when you touched his hair because it was soothing. You could feel he was comfortable again.

"What can you tell me about this?" You showed him the framed photo of him in a military officer's uniform.

Yoongi's eyes flashed to it with a blazing glare

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Yoongi's eyes flashed to it with a blazing glare. He took the frame and flung it at the door into the hall. "Never mention that again." His tone grew dark.

"Yoongi, you already told me your most painful memory. Let this one out so you can let it go and rest. Explain it to me in quick and short details so you wouldn't have to feel so much pain."

"Simplifying a memory doesn't make it any less painful."

"Can you at least tell me what your job was?"

"I was a boatswain in the navy." Yoongi revealed to get you off his back about it. "I was Lieutenant Min Yoongi. I was in charge of supplies, stocks, and equipment. I was one of those minor officers that bossed sailors around. I only joined the military when I did because I thought.... I thought it would help me forget the incident. I was wrong. It only made my life feel worse."

"You used it to get away from your parents, too." You softly guessed.

"Yeah.... There.... There was a shipment we had to make: deliver supplies to another base harbor. First came the gale, then a bad storm with it. It was dark, but the ship's lights were on. The deck was slippery from all the rain pounding on us. Then I slipped overboard. I almost drowned in the waves, but they were able to get me out, and we delivered the shipment after the storm passed. I never stopped hating water after that. And since then, I have recurring nightmares of drowning."

With your eyebrows curled upward as you gazed at him and listened, you cuddled to him. "You've been through so much..... Your brother, the ship, the crash.... Stop getting hurt....."

He held you in his arms. He knew his life concerned you. "I'm just cursed with bad luck, I guess."

"No you're not. You met me out of good fortune."

"At least there's one thing that's true."

"So, after your service was done, you ended up where you are now?"

"Yup. That's exactly how it went. And then I met you."

You smiled warmly.

"I want you to stay with me tonight." Yoongi requested. "Don't leave me here alone..."

"I'm not going anywhere." You breathed.

The cuddling lasted for a while, but before going to sleep, you wanted to take a quick shower.

In the hot, steaming shower, you felt hands slide around your waist and hug you at the front, then a chin land on your shoulder. You were caught by surprise. You didn't hear the bathroom door open or the shower curtains move.

You turned in the arms to Yoongi wearing a sad expression. He was all nude just like you and his head was getting soaked by the hot water falling down on you both. You put your arms around his neck in a hug to comfort him and he rested his face in your shoulder as his strong hands embraced your back. You softly kissed behind his jaw below his ear.

This was the first time this ever happened. You've never been around each other naked before. The closest to that was wearing swimsuits at the beach.

Because of Yoongi's current mental condition, you didn't really care about nudity at the moment.

"I love you." You whispered to him.

Yoongi exhaled slowly, settling in your arms and closing his eyes. Being with you gave him a sense of relief and comfort. He never wanted to leave that feeling of ease.

Burnout Heart | M.YG Bad Boy FFWhere stories live. Discover now