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chapter twenty: grudges
2.1, omega

     It's a quiet evening in the Stilinski household as Spencer did some assignments. Stiles was still at the hospital, checking on Lydia so the house was all Spencer's.

Spencer stared up at the mirror that she had on the wall in front of her desk. Clicking the pen as she bites her tongue, she sees her eyes flash red, signaling her that another supernatural is in the vicinity.

Spencer swayed around in her desk chair, facing her window, her curtains flowing in the wind. "You know, you could've come in my house through the door right?" She asks, "Well that would've ruined the surprise." The man comments, a cheeky smile on his face.

Spencer smiles, "Hi Cole." She says, getting out of her chair, only for him to speed to her and pick her up in a hug. "I was happy when you called." Cole tells her. "I was happy when I remembered." She remarked as he sets her down.

"Yeah..." Cole trails off, "Sorry about that. But we both agreed that it was for the best." He tells her pointedly, "Yea, Yea. Whatever." She waves it off.

"Did you miss me?" Cole laughs as Spencer goes in for another hug. "Yes." She tells him, "How could I not miss my best friend." A smile plastered on both of their faces.

A scream echos through the night sky, taking Spencer out of her day dream. "Lydia?" Spencer asks, standing to her feet and quickly moving to her window as she sticks her head out of it.

A ding from her phone in her pocket has Spencer moving to get it out. Once seeing her screen she sees she had a text from Stiles.

Spencer begins to read the message, hey Spence, going to need your help! Lydia went to shower and then left out the window. Clothes optional, so be at the hospital ASAP!

Spencer sighs, knowing she needs to stop fantasizing about her best friend coming back and get back into the real world.

Spencer does just that, shrugging on her jacket and leaving her room. Grabbing her keys out of the bowl at the door, Spencer walks out to her car.

Getting into the drivers seat, she puts her car in gear and backs out of the driveway, heading to the hospital.


     Spencer had just made it to the hospital after walking around the block so her dad wouldn't see her car in the parking lot when he goes to leave.

Both the Stilinski siblings were walking to the blue Jeep, hoping into the back, Stiles gets in behind her. Shutting the door behind him, Spencer watches as Scott begins to look at the hospital gown that Stiles had just handed him.

"This is the one she was just wearing?" Scott asks, glancing over at his best friend. Stiles sighs, nodding his head, "I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her. Not again." Scott reassures Stiles.

"All right, just shove the thing in your face and let's find her." Stiles demands, getting antsy by the fact that Lydia is still missing. Starting the engine "W-Wow!" Stiles mutters as the head lights flip on, and Allison stands in from them.

Running around to the passenger side of the Jeep, "What are you doing here? Someone's gonna see us!" Scott tells her, alarmed by the two being seen in public.

"I don't care-- she's my best friend, and we need to find her before they do." Allison denies, being just as demanding as Stiles was minutes prior. "I can find her before the cops can." Scott reassures.

"How about before my father does?" Allison retorts, staring him dead in the eyes. "He knows???" Stiles asks exasperatedly, his mouth agape as he turns to look out his windshield as Allison continues. "Yeah. I just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two SUVs."

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