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chapter sixteen: like an actual wolf
1.08, lunatic

young Spencer Stilinski stood in the middle of the road, a car was on fire behind her. It was also flipped, and it sat on the roof. "Cole, you need to get out of here." Spencer pleaded, looking in her best friends eyes.

"No. Not until I know you're safe." The boy denies, holding Spencer face in his, and then pulling her into a hug. Someone walking up behind them scares them, "Cole you've gotta get out of here. Before they find out." Spencer's dad tells him.

"Come here." Cole says, looking at Spencer's father, slowly letting Spencer goes he walks over to Noah. Placing his hand on his head, he begins to look into Noah's eyes.

"You're going to forget tonight. Forget about it all, how Spencer asked if she was adopted, how I killed someone, and where the body is. All that happened tonight is I got into a crash and I'm dead." Cole tells him, Noah nods, suddenly forgetting about anything, sending him back to his sheriff car.

Cole watches as he does, taking careful steps to Spencer. "Alright, are you ready?" Cole asks, coming face to face with Spencer, she sighs. "Yea." She nods, looking down at her feet, looking back up, Cole caresses Spencer's face.

Cole sighs, he didn't want to do this, but he had to. For both their safeties. "Here, this is my burner, the only number on there is mine. If, or when you remember, call it. Or come track me down yourself." Cole laughs at this, he knew she probably would.

"You're going to forget tonight. Forget about me killing the boy, where the body is, what I am, finding out you're adopted, all you'll remember tonight is that I got into a car crash and I died." Cole basically repeats looking into Spencer's eyes.

Hearing the sirens, Cole places a kiss onto Spencer's cheek, slipping the burner phone in her pocket, and taking off, tears trailing down Spencer's face.

Spencer shoots up, she'd been having the same dream since the night in the school. Spencer laid in her bed, she wasn't ready for the new day that she's going to have to live through. Her bite had cleared up and she had somewhat noticed that she had gotten her werewolf side.

"You alive in there?" Noah asks, knocking on Spencer's door, "No." Spencer answers, her head buried into her pillow. "Not ready to go back to school?" Noah asks, opening his daughters door and looking at her.

"Nope." Spencer mutters, not moving from her spot, "You want to stay home another day?" Noah asks, Spencer shakes her head, "No." she tells him. It was a quick response, one Noah hadn't expected, normally she would take staying home any day. But not today.

Spencer knew if she stayed home, she'd go back to sleep, and she didn't want to have the dream, or memory? Again. For the fourth time in the last three days.

She had remembered making it home with a phone that night, but she couldn't remember where she had put it. Though Spencer just kept pushing it away, not bothering for the phone.

But what really stuck with her was the possibility Cole was still alive and running around somewhere, he had killed someone, that he's something and the fact that Spencer was adopted.


Spencer walked into the school building that had been shut down for three days. It was weird being back, so many things were running through her head. Like all of the new trauma from the school.

"Spence!" Veronica yells, her hands cupping her mouth to make her voice louder. Spencer smiles, turning to her friend, "Ronnie." She says, giggling at her friend.

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