𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝗺 ✰ ~ 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬

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i walk into the triplets house as nick left the front door unlocked for me because they all asked me to get them food when i said that i was gonna come over.

i lock the door behind me and see nick in the kitchen.

he greets me with a hug and i give him his food and place matts down, nick then texting matt that his food is here.

i take chris's food to his room and right before i walk in i remember that he's streaming with matt.

me and chris are public since we've been dating for a little over a year but i almost never make appearances in videos and streams.

i knock on chris's door lightly.

"come in" i hear him say from the other side.

i slowly open the door and walk in.

he looks at me and when he does his eyes light up.

"hi" he says, smiling.

"hi" i say back, the same goofy smile on my face.

even though i wasn't on camera much, everyone recognised my voice almost instantly.

i place his food and drink down on his desk before walking over to the bit of his bed that's out of frame.

after chris finishes that game he says, "one sec" before muting his mic and walking over to me.

he lays next to me, laying his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around me. i put my phone down and wrap my arms around him.

"i missed you" he says, his voice slightly muffled.

"i missed you too" i say back, playing with his hair.

we stay like that for a bit before he reluctantly gets up but not without placing both his hands on either side of me and leaning down and kissing me.

he pulls away after a few seconds and stands up whilst saying, "i love you" with this soft smile, gentle voice and loving look in his eyes.

"i love you too" i say back with a smile on my face.

"no one needed to hear that conversation but thank you for the content" matt said to chris.

apparently, chris never actually muted his mic since chat was going wild, eating up the content that they just witnessed. or more of heard.

i laughed a little at chris, him jokingly rolling his eyes at me before going back to streaming.

when he's finished he walks over to the bed where i'm laying.

he practically jumps onto the bed, his head laying on my stomach.

"hi baby" i giggle a little at him.

"mm" is all he 'says' in return, he's probably tired.

"c'mere" i say and open my arms for him.

he lifts his head from my stomach, instead laying his head on my chest this time.

we cuddle for a bit before i finally speak up, "you okay?" i make sure.

"yea" he says quietly.

not too long later, i can hear his soft snores as he sleeps on my chest.

i play with his hair for a bit. braiding and unbraiding it.

with my hands still in his hair, i drift off to sleep.

i hate this.
i had another idea for it but didn't know how to write it but i honestly feel like this is worse but oh well i might write the original version later or smth idk

have a good day <3

𝗺𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝗼𝐥𝗼 𝐢𝗺𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 ✰Where stories live. Discover now