Chapter 23

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[Words underlined are spoken in Black Speech]

The dwarves breaking down the wall and joining the battle was enough to rally Dain's army but their enemies were still numerous in number. They watched in awe and slight intimidation as Fleur's fiery visage flew up into the sky, her concentration on hitting the enemies with her fire and not any of her people or allies. She'd taken out as many as she could inside the city but they knew to focus any attacks on her if found, Azog making it abundantly clear that he didn't want her surviving the day, and she'd been struck several times before finally taking drastic measures. The sight of her taking out so many of the monsters at once emboldening her people as well as the elves and giving even the King of the Iron Hills some hope.

"The Fae on our side cousin?"


"Thank the gods! I'd hate t' get on her bad side."

The conversation between kin was short lived as Thorin was determined to cut the head off this snake and as Fleur had begun splitting her attention between the city and Thorin, she saw the moment they started racing towards Raven Hill. She'd known that this part of her vision was going to happen one way or the other: Thorin and his nephews WOULD reach the top; now it was up to her to make sure that was the only thing that came to pass. One powerful blast from her hands gave her people a better chance at fighting back the orc; when she was confident they could take things from there, she flew up to stop Erebor from losing its king and his heirs. She had no idea what would be waiting for her but had felt strongly that a trap was meant for them, one she'd have to set off first. At least that had been the plan until Legolas ran from the shadows and grabbed hold of her arm once she was fully extinguished.

"Fleur, what are you doing here? Why are you not below with Bard?"

"I'm here to stop the demise of the Line of Durin."

"What are you talking about?"

"I looked ahead and saw the death of Thorin, Fili and Kili... now I'm here to stop it."


She heard the disapproval in his tone and as much as she respected his opinion, this was one time she wouldn't be heeding it. "You should go help your father."

"And you should be with your family!"

"Legolas..." she placed her hand on his cheek and gave him a half smile. "I have to do this."

"And what if you die in their stead?" she didn't have an answer but he had to try to talk some sense into her. "Sometimes what we are shown is meant as a warning! If fate has designed for someone of import to die today... do not think me heartless Fleur but while I admire Fili and Kili, YOU are my friend."

"I have no intention of dying this day."

"Your intentions, as noble as they often are, do not hold much weight against what the gods have destined to happen."

"Who is to say this is destiny? Nothing has been set in stone my friend. Even the smallest thing can change the course of fate, and I believe that if this was the ONLY path for them that the gods wouldn't have shown me what they did."

"And if you die tempting this fate... what am I to tell Bard?"


"I'm serious Fleur! How am I supposed to look into the eyes of your children and tell them their mother is dead? Ask of me a thousand other things but do not ask me this. I'm begging you."

"I'm not. I'm simply asking that you trust me to make a decision I believe the gods want me to make. I want you to trust that they would not send me to my demise out of spite or as some form of twisted entertainment. I may not always agree with their actions, have even spoken out against them a time or two, but I do not believe for a moment that they would act in such malice. Not with something this important."

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