Chapter 9

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He'd reached the center of town in time to hear Thorin speak of relighting the great forges. Bard wasn't sure what happened between the dwarves robbing the armory and now but he needed them to hear someone speaking sense.

"Death!" That one word caused a few people to shrink into themselves, allowing him to move forward so he could speak to Thorin face to face. "That is what you will bring upon us! Dragon fire and ruin. If you awaken that beast, it will destroy us all."

"You can listen to this naysayer, but I promise you this: if we succeed, all will share in the wealth of the mountain." That definitely had everyone's attention and while Bilbo hoped he meant it; he couldn't help wondering if he'd make such bold claims if their Fae was in attendance. Whether Thorin admitted it or not, he was intimidated by her. "You will have enough gold to rebuild Esgaroth ten times over!"

The crowd let out a loud cheer, believing without a doubt that he was being honest. The thought of riches flowing through their city causing their hopes to sore into the heavens... before Alfrid interjected and poured ice water over it all, the one and only time Bard was grateful for his interference.

"Why should we take you at your word, eh? We know nothin about you. Who 'ere can vouch for your character?"

The seed of doubt had been planted and Bard prayed it would be enough to put them off their goal of reaching the mountain. At the very least, cause them a delay that would force them to wait another year. Give the people time to search out if Smaug still lives and how to proceed if he is. However... Bilbo wasn't ready to give up on Thorin. He'd come a long way with the king and trusted his friend to do the right thing. Thorin had even expressed regret over what he'd said to Fleur and the hobbit took that as a good sign.

"Me. I'll vouch for him." Bard knew his wife was very fond of Bilbo but he was relieved she wasn't here to witness this, he didn't think she'd be thrilled about this. "Now I have traveled far with these dwarves through great danger and if Thorin Oakenshield gives his word, then he will keep it."

The possibility of this backfiring was higher than ever after the hobbit's speech, but Bard wasn't ready to give up just yet. Even if no one believed him, he was still fighting for the lives of his family. "All of you! Listen to me! You must listen! Have you forgotten what happened to Dale? Have you forgotten those who died in the firestorm?!" a murmur of 'no we haven't' went around and he hoped those that were supposed to be his friends would take what he said to heart. "And for what purpose? The blind ambition of a mountain king, so driven by greed he could not see past his own desire!"

It wasn't a surprise when the Master saw an opportunity to besmirch Bard and took it but his words still stung. Blaming Bard's ancestor for the dragon ruining Dale was a completely unfair accusation as the dragon wouldn't have come if it weren't for the dwarves. Still, his words turned the people's opinion on the bargeman and Bard was seriously considering gathering up his family and making for the woodland realm. He would rather beg Thranduil to allow them entry than to deal with this bastard any longer.

"Now! Now! We must not, any of us, be too quick to lay blame. Let us not forget that it was Girion, lord of Dale, YOUR ANCESTOR, who failed to kill the beast! Hmm?"

"It's true, Sire. We all know the story. Arrow after arrow, he shot. Each one missin' its mark."

Going after the Master and Alfrid wasn't an option so Bard turned his attentions back on Thorin. Stepping towards him and making one last ditch effort to stop this madness before it could cause the downfall of the town.

"You have no right. No right to enter that mountain."

"I have the only right." Thorin whispered, his next words meant as one last cheap shot before turning to the master. "Maybe if you didn't have such a tight grip on your wife, we could've discussed this as men."

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