Chapter 19

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Fleur wasn't actually worried about getting into the mountain. Unless Thorin was on watch, no one else would take up arms against her... she hoped. Turning back now would be perfectly understandable, her husband wouldn't fault her for it and Thranduil hated this idea to begin with so he would definitely be happy to see her stay outside the mountain. However, cowardice had a way of festering inside a person. She'd seen how dangerous it could make a person, causing them to act in their best interest, leaving others to die. Too many battles she'd lived through, too many instances of fear clutching at the hearts of soldiers. No, she had agreed to do this and she was going to follow through. So up she climbed the wall, her foot slipping a time or two on the meager foot holds, until she was finally to the top of their newly constructed blockade. To her great relief, Bofur was on watch and the laugh he let out at seeing her warmed her to her toes.

"Fleur!" She hugged her friend without hesitation, having missed his easy-going and caring manner. "When I saw ya flying I wasn't sure if I were dreaming or no."

"My children felt the same way." She admitted.

"Aye. Yur little lasses were a mix of awe, confusion and concern... we all were."

"Aye. It was a dark day... in fact they've all been dark of late."

He didn't see a point in arguing with her, not when she was absolutely right. Still, he was curious to why she'd come. "Not that I'm not glad t' see ya lass but... why are ya here?"

"I have to talk to him Bofur."

"Now lass..."

"I know when Bard tried it didn't go well but he and Thorin have been on shaky footing since the beginning. Do you truly think I won't have better luck?"

At one point he would absolutely have faith that she would be able to talk sense into Thorin. Not only had the king muttered her name a fair few times, fear gripping his soul at the thought of her dying, but he'd come right out and admitted to wanting to see her again. The Fae might actually stand a chance against the gold... if it were only the gold she was up against.

"I dinnae want t' question the luck o' the Fae, not after all I've seen, but..."

The sadness she felt on the oft cheerful dwarf caused a pit to form in her stomach. He was worried and she didn't think it was for her safety. "But what?"

"Dragon sickness. Balin and Dwalin are worried it's completely poisoned him. He's not makin any sense Fleur. Choosing war over keepin his word? That is not the Thorin we all know. I'll show ya to 'im but prepare t' defend yourself lass."

"Defend..." she choked on the word, her deepest fear coming to fruition. "I will."

"I'll bring ya t' the others first. I know they're all worried about ya and I doubt Thorin will let ya stay after... I wish I had better news t' give."

"It's not your fault Bofur. I appreciate the warning, even if it breaks my heart to hear it."

He nodded sadly and the two of them made their way inside Erebor. Bofur wasn't sure how much truth was in the legends of the Fae, but he hoped the ones concerning magic weren't just make-believe. The stories telling of Fae healing dragon sickness with a single glance. Unfortunately, while she did have magic flowing through her veins and she could heal the wounded, dragon sickness was not so easily defeated. It attacked the mind and if the person affected didn't wish to be released from its hold, there was naught she could do.


Fleur followed Bofur through the halls and corridors, her smile appearing of its own accord when she heard the other's talking. Nori was telling a story she was sure was 95% false and when the others laughed at a particularly ridiculous part, her own had the 11 dwarves and single hobbit standing to attention.

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