Chapter 4

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The time spent in the prisons had allowed Fleur and the dwarves to get to know one another better. While she did not relish being stuck here, she was relieved when they took the news of her being a Fae well. Thorin had asked a few too many questions about the possibilities her powers held and was eventually shut down by Dwalin, who was incredibly uncomfortable with the thought of using the lass as a tool. Her and the intimidating dwarf were well and truly friends after 5 months, the only other ones she was as close with were Glóin, Bofur, Fili, Kili, and shockingly Nori.

She was on good terms with all the dwarves, well Thorin was on thin ice, but the relationships varied in type. Balin was very much like a wise uncle and she found his words to be the most encouraging. The rest found her fascinating and very kind, but also a bit frightening after finding out she could produce fire out of her body. It was a fear of the unknown and as the years would pass, they would all move past it and truly adore the lady.

Thranduil hadn't been thrilled when he discovered the growing affection but she had been plain with him and asked him what he expected to happen. He wasn't willing to release them due to his issues with Thorin, and when she was left with no one to talk to BUT the dwarves, a friendship was bound to develop naturally. Especially with her power since she was still on a summons.

She had been moved cells three times: once because Thranduil got wind of the questions Thorin had been asking her and wanted to remove her from that uncomfortable situation, once due to the amount of noise that accompanied the move. Bofur and Fili had been THRILLED when she was placed with them and the trio had gotten into laughing fits several times, something the guards claimed to be grating on their ears. This final time she'd been placed with Kili, which allowed their conversation to flow much easier, not having to yell across the way as before.

One of the main downsides to all this was trying to hide her friendship with the elves. Legolas and Tauriel would come visit her for an hour at a time, speaking in Sindarin, and while Thorin had questioned her about it, she was always able to come up with an excuse. None of which revealed that she was close with their captures, however Kili had begun to fall for the pretty elf and it was Fleur that had to break the news to the young prince.


"Yes?" She looked up from the small cot she occupied and thought he looked forlorn. "What's the matter Kili?"

The young prince moved away from the bars and sat on the end of the bed, forcing her to sit up so he didn't crush her feet. He scooted a little closer once she was upright and when he next spoke it was in a whisper.

"I know your relationship with the elves is more than you let on." That brought her up short and he saw the moment her guard went up, quickly explaining himself. "I won't tell anyone! I just... the woman, Tauriel..."


"I think I'm falling in love with her and I..."

"Oh Kili." She hated to be the one to crush his dreams but this path would only lead him to heartache. "Tauriel finds you charming and funny but..."

"I was afraid that was in there." He laughed uncomfortably, his eyes going to Fleur's when she reached over and took his hand in her own.

"She would love to be your friend but her heart belongs to someone else." Those sad eyes of his brought back images of her children and when she hugged him, it felt familiar and safe, as though he was hugging his mother. "You will find someone who deserves your heart Kili. Do not give up on love because from my experience it is a beautiful thing."

"Thank you Fleur." He felt a little better but it still stung knowing his affection wasn't returned. Fleur had tried to be so incredibly gentle though and he appreciated the kindness from the Fae. "I have a question."

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