Chapter 16

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*Author's Note:  Hey! I know the chapters are coming less frequently than I usually post and for that I apologize. I myself am a mom and school has started back up so things have been all sorts of crazy. Between my kids and a new hyper-fixation in the form of One Piece, I have been riding the struggle bus a bit as far as writing BUT! This story is still on going and I will continue to post chapters as I write them. Thank you so much for your patience and the votes and comments, they really do help me break through the writers block.


It took the survivors a few days to be ready enough to travel and a lot managed to be accomplished under Bard's supervision. He and the men creating means to take the wounded to Dale while Fleur did her best to help with everything else. Some had assumed that she'd only be good as a heat source, but between her own healing capabilities and the elves, they were able to tend to the sick and help the injured. They went person to person offering bread and water, bandaging gashes and treating burns, and doing whatever they could to make people more comfortable. There had been some that had been unsure of the fire fae, didn't matter in the slightest that they'd known her for YEARS, superstitions abounded. However her kindness never wavered (unless Alfrid was involved) and by the third day she'd won over even the most skeptical of men. It also helped that Bard was completely devoted to his wife and as most of the people had decided to follow him without question, that same trust was also placed in his wife. Of course caring for hundreds of people, being placed in charge as the new rulers (no matter how many times they said they didn't want the honor), had them running themselves thin and by days end they were always exhausted. Fleur had been left with next to no time to speak to her friends about what had happened, her heart aching at having missed the dwarves before they left, but the day they agreed to head out was when Legolas and Tauriel stole a moment with their favorite Fae.

"Fleur." She'd just asked Hilda to keep an eye on her children, sensing that the elf prince needed her attention. Going over to her friend and giving him a weary smile. "You look exhausted."

"Because I am but better exhausted than dead."

"She has a point" Tauriel laughed, coming over and placing her arm around Fleur's waist. "Although you and your husband have gone above and beyond for these people."

"It is not in us to leave them to suffer."

"And that is why they've elected the two of you as their new rulers."

"Long live the Queen?" Legolas teased, knowing very well how uncomfortable this made his friend. "Hey" she'd ducked her head to hide the blush, but Legolas hadn't ever let her hide from him. "Of all the many rulers throughout Middle Earth, none have deserved the title of Queen more than you. You are exactly what these people need."

"I have no idea what it means to be a Queen. I am merely trying to keep everyone afloat. I did not set out to be a Queen, I do not know that I want to be one."

"If not you and Bard, then who? Who cares enough for these mortals to step up as the two of you have?"

Tauriel could tell Fleur wanted to escape this conversation, but Legolas was making some very good points. "Accepting this honor does not make you the Master. The people here have needed someone good to lead them for much too long... will you leave them without? Risk someone as nefarious as the last man to step in and hurt them all over again?"

"No... you're right. I cannot risk that. Not if we intend to remain among them with our family."

They were happy that she was at least trying to look at this objectively. Something that didn't always come easily to the fae. "Besides, right now it is just a title and the only one truly using it is that slimy fool."

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