Chapter 3

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*Author's Note* This is where the story diverges from the movie. The books talk about them being stuck in the actual forest for about a month and from what I've found online the timeline for them being in the prison is around 5 months. *


The less than no time didn't really pan out like she'd hoped. In her MANY correspondence with the elves, at no time did any of them mention the sickness that had gone over the wood that caused hallucinations and paranoia in mortals. The pollution made Fleur feel like she was being suffocated but she did not lose her wits, which was how she managed to keep them on the path, at least until Bombur fell into the enchanted river and fell fast asleep.

"How long have we been traveling?" Bilbo asked Fleur, the only person who hadn't snapped at him.

"I'm not sure. Normally we'd be out by now but with this... heaviness..." it was the only word that seemed to fit as the air almost felt like you could grab a handful of it. "It has thrown everything off kilter. Not to mention how ill-tempered it's made the dwarves and now with Bombur asleep... I was supposed to be home by now, that much I do know."

"If you are so damned homesick, then why did you come?"

Thorin's bellowing almost got him slapped but she took a deep breath and managed to calm her raging heart. She knew if she responded that it would only cause further fighting so ignoring the king, she remained speaking to Bilbo.

"I'm sorry you've been taken away from them." Bilbo whispered.

"I'll get back to them, I have no doubt about that. This was just something I had to do."


Bilbo watched her fiddle with the amulet around her neck and wondered if it had something to do with it. He went to touch it when she gently grabbed his hand and stopped him before he got close.

"It's enchanted." She whispered. "If anyone tries taking it off, they get a nasty shock."

"Will that happen if I touch it without the intent of removing it?"

"Only if you are sure in your mind of your intentions... with how fuzzy everyone's thoughts are right now, I wouldn't risk it."

"Smart." Talking to her made him feel a little better and she definitely had a point.

"Fleur! Sing us a song lass."

It was the same request from Bofur every day. He had an affinity for music and though he had his own instrument, he seemingly forgot it existed since stepping foot in the forest.

"No singing!"

And there was the same order from Thorin. At this point Fleur thought she could set a clock by this particular interaction. Since singing was really only something she did for her family, she didn't bother to upset Thorin, and kept up a normal conversation with some of the others. She noticed that they seemed to snap out of their stupor a bit when she did this and it helped pass the time.

"So, are any of you married?"

"Aye, Glóin is." Fili jerked his head towards the older dwarf.

"Aye lass, I be married."

"Any children?"

"A wee lad."

He took something out of his pocket and passed it over to her. It was a photo of a dwarrowdam and young dwarfling.

"He looks just like you." She smiled kindly. "What's his name?"

"Gimli." Talking about his family was a double edged sword; it was helping him shake out the air pollution from his mind but making him a bit homesick. "He be turning 63 this year... 'ow old are your little ones?"

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