WAIT! He's real?! Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Class had started and was about ten minutes in. I though I was in the clear. I had already assumed Sophia had taken enough hits today and wouldn't show.

...No such luck.

She stormed in, eyes blazing, all red and puffy with laser beams focused in my direction. I looked down to avoid her fiery gaze and studied this now, very interesting black speck on my paper.

About fifteen minutes later, we broke into our groups to do some work. this meant that we all moved around and were allowed to talk and discuss freely in the classroom. Thankfully, Sophia wasn't in my group, but I could still feel her stare burning holes in the back of my head.

Everyone knew that Sophia and I were sworn enemies. So, it wasn't a surprise that the atmosphere of the class had changed when she walked over to where I sat.

The class held their breath, as they waited for oone of us to speak. I kept my head down, working, not acknowledging her presence.

"So...you and the new kid, Garrett, huh?" she said quietly.

"Obviously," I said through gritted teeth, already annoyed.

"He's a cutie...but so is your friend Jace."

She stated. I couldn't find her point.

"Yup," I said, trying to end it.

"I'll let you have Garrett for now. Though, for the time being, Jace and I are going to be together. I am slowly going to pull him away from you and then use him until he's done. Then, I'll break his heart, just like you did...twice. " She spat out the last word with so much cold and ice in her voice it made me shiver. I looked up, shocked, that she could know so much. She saw the look on my face and smirked.

"That's right, darling. Jace told me all about his heartbreaks.. I was the only one there to comfort him after his so-called 'best friend' hurt him so badly." She smiled evily.

Jace then walked through the door saying, "Avery, it's cold today. You forgot your sweater in my car, so I brought..." he trailed off because at this point I was already screaming.

"Why you SCUM-SUCKING, BOTTOM-FEEDING, NO-GOOD, DIRTY, ROTTEN, SCROWNGY TRAMP!" I yelled, clearly losing control of my temper. I stood up slowly, getting ready to whack her caked face off with the back of my hand. By this time the class was still dead quiet, but I now had the teacher's attention.

I tried to raise my arms, but found that they were pinned to my sides. Thinking it was the teacher, I looked up angrily. instead, I dound those sad, gray-green eyes of my best friend. He knew me so well.

"Avery, this isn't like you. why are you being like this? I told you, Sophia is my friend. Why can't you leave her be?" Jace pleaded.

My face softened and the tears welled in my eyes as I tried to find my words. Sophia beat me to it.

"Jacey!" She cried, laying fake waterworks on top of that terrible nickname, "She was going to hit me! Did you see that?" She clung to his arm like she was his damsel in distress.

"Yeah, I did." he said, "Did you provoke her?"

"No, honest." said the liar.

"She's not telling you the truth, Jace!" I said with force. I waited for the kids in the class to back me up. No one did. It was my word against hers. Jace would see. "She wants to hurt you." I said in barely a whisper.

"Is that true?" he turned to Sophia.

"No, of course not! She's just jealous of me, as always." Sophia smiled, sweetly, "I'm the one who helped you."

"She's right, Ave. You did hurt me. I don't know if I can believe you this time..." he said with sadness.

"It wasn't my fault, Jace!" I said, hurt. 

"So you're saying it was mine?! That I did this to myself?!" he fought.

"Jace, I'm your best friend. Who are you going to believe?" I cried, desperately.

"Not anymore, A--er-- Avery." he said and walked out of my life. Sophia was left standing there, smirking, laughing at me with her eyes.

"I guess my plan worked faster than I had thought..." she sneered.

I gathered my things and walked out the door.

I soon hit the parking lot and called my mom. She heard my tears and promised to get me. I texted my sister and friends that I was leaving for the day.

Jordi: Why? What happened?

Avery: A bomb dropped.

Jordi: What? A bomb? What does that mean?

Avery: A drama bomb. A drama bomb named Sophia.

Jordi: Oh..... Ave, you can't let her------

I clicked the lock on my phone, not wanting to read anymore. I wan't ready to recieve a text message lecture from my sister just yet.

My mom pulled up to the school and jumped out of the car. It was in her arms that I, finally, broke down and cried. She didn't question me yet. She just heald me and led me back to the car.

I got home, went up to my bed and cried. I just cried. I sobbed for days. I moped around during school. Jace hated me. I didn't know what was bothering Garrett. Everything seemed peachy on Monday night...

Everything was wrong now. Garrett had tried to pull me out of this depressed state, but soon gave up. It was no use. We were the saddest, most depressed-looking couple in school. I knew it was going to be hard to change that.

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