Chapter 27|Ministry Part 2

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Yvonne's pov

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Yvonne's pov

2 days later.

We were all gathered in the prefect's bathroom in the west wind because Dumbledore's office was next door.

The first part of our plan worked properly the Wesley twins are downstairs causing a commotion while every teacher in the school were attending to it.

"What how does this taste like?"

"Don't worry Regulus it's not too bad.", Astra said and she handed each of us a vile to drink.

"Are you guys ready?", I said as I  lifted the potion.

"Let's just get this over and done with," Mattheo said.

As Theo drank his vile we all followed.

"Errrrr Astra I thought you said it was bad this is shit, terrible!", Blaise said gagging.

As Blaise continued to complain I began to change, the process felt very weird. After a couple of minutes, I transformed into a middle-aged woman with brown hair freckles, and green eyes.

Then I remembered that to make a polyjuice potion you need the hair of the person you are turning into.

"A-Astra where did you get the hair to make this?"


"Blaise that's how you make the potion, you need a piece of the person you changing into. I went to the muggle world and just grabbed a couple of hairs.", she said shrugging.

"Alright now that we are ready, can we go?"Mattheo said.

We all turned towards him and began laughing.

"Damn cousin you got the terrible one."

"What are you talking about Malfoy?"

"Have you even looked at yourself.", Theodore said.

Mattheo looked a little older than us he barely had hair and had a big belly. He looked down at himself to see what was the problem.

"Seriously Avery you had to give me the worst one, you should have given this to Draco or Regulus."

"Seriously?", they both said and began punching and hitting each other slightly.

"Boys can we get going now I don't know how long this potion will last."


As we were walking out of the bathroom to go to Dumbledore's office I couldn't help but think about how Mattheo, Regulus, and Draco acted like brothers even though they were cousins.

As we entered his office, Me, Pansy, and Astra screamed.

"What the fuck was that?", Pansy said.

Theodore looked over and said, "It's just his eagle."

"Why did it fly out of nowhere," Astra said.

"Yvonne's eagle is better he's much calmer."

"Thank you, Pansy."

We walked to the fireplace and each of us grabbed a little bit of the powder in the charge and each said, "To the Ministry of Magic."

Once we finally arrived we walked inside the building.

"You guys remember to stick together and do not wander off."

"Alright MOMM."

I smacked Blaise on the arm and said, "I'm being serious now let's go and  blend in with the new workers."

We went inside and we stood where the new worker stood before we began the jobs we had to get a perfect tour.

Since there were a lot of people we got split into groups lucky we all got put in the same group but when I saw who the leader I panicked.

"Shit shit shit shit," I whispered.

"What's wrong?"Mattheo asked.

"That's my fucking brother."

"Welcome all to the Ministry of Magic, my name is Kyson Wyllt and I will be giving you a tour around. My role in the ministry is Junior Assistant to the Minister for Magic. Now let's get going and if you have any questions you  can ask me."

"Damn, your brother is handsome."

"Seriously Blaise."

"He's not lying.", Draco said.

I gave both of them a dirty look and began walking but I always kept a distance from my older brother.


It was coming to the end of the tour and we had to find out if the stone was destroyed or not because I didn't know how long we had long before the potion wore off.

"Is it true?"I asked.

"Is what true?", he stopped working and said.

"Is it true that the Dark Stone was never destroyed?"

He squinted his eyes and looked at me, "I'm not sure if it was destroyed but I've heard rumors that it wasn't."

"You work at the ministry and you do not know? That's just stupid."

I looked at Mattheo because he was just being rude for no reason.

"Excuse me?", My brother said

"You heard me."

"Who do you think are?"

"You do not want to know who I am."

My brother squinted his eyes at Mattheo.

"What he meant sir is if you work at the Ministry how come you don't if it had been destroyed?"Astra asked him.

"They are certain things that I am not permitted to know."

One thing about my brother was,he was a terrible liar. But I wasn't worried about that because now that he has given us a tour of the place it would make it easier for us to sneak in.
——————————————————Heyy loves I hope you like this chapter and stay tuned for the next one. And don't forget to comment and vote

Love you all xoxo.

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