chapter 28

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Author note: hey guys, sorry for such a long break!!!! gonna try my best to write more. love u ty for the support


      over the next few weeks, the Co was supplying me with all of the pills I wanted, I honestly don't know how she was smuggling them into the prison... one thing she wouldn't bring in was any powder. so no heroin, coke.... nothing like that. strictly oxy and shit like that. I was able to keep it from Nicky and the family. they didn't suspect anything, the best part was, was the Co was giving it to me for free. I'm not sure why, usually you gotta pay... but I wasn't complaining about the change. 

I felt like I was in outer space, I had no idea where I was.... of course I was in prison.. I know that much. this new baggie wasn't oxy, I don't know what the hell it was, maybe it was laced. I wasn't gonna pass up free pills though. it was count time, it was mid afternoon. 

"shit shit shit.. I can barley even stand I'm so high.." I thought to myself. 

the CO came up to me and whispered in my ear "come, ill take you to medical just be quiet"

I nodded, anything to avoid going to shu. she held a grip around my upper arm and I was drug out of the bunks. I glance at Nicky and Alex. after count Alex walked over to Nichols.

"what's she on?" Alex asked

"nothing that I know of" Nicky responded

"your an ex-addict, you should know that she's high."

she stopped for a second. "holy shit, I knew that new CO was trouble. fucking hell vause."

"you know what we gotta do."

"no. no we are not telling red. look, ill take care of her, I've gotten her clean before and I can do it again just give me some time."

"two weeks, if she's not clean I'm telling red with or without you." Alex ended the conversation. 

I had come back about an hour later, when I could actually walk myself. I flop down onto my bed after I tie my hair up into a ponytail. Nicky walks in, arms crossed. I look up at her.

"what's wrong with you now Nichols." I said sternly 

"why didn't you tell me you were using again, huh?!"

"im not.. Nicky baby I'm clean."

"im a junkie to, im not fucking stupid."

of course we were being quiet, we didn't wanna get caught.

"maybe cause I'm in fucking prison Nicky. I don't wanna feel anymore. ive been clean and its fucking miserable"

"so your just done trying? we were supposed to stay sober together. we promised each other." 

she cups my face

"I'm scared Nicky. why am I still here? I can't fucking do this. I don't mean to be complex.. I know I'm just trouble and... and I'm really trying but I can't do this, I can't be in here and be sober."

" you need to try."

"I am trying Nicky. I hate myself for relapsing but I just cant be sober in here. I've tried so hard. its impossible in here."

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