chapter 1

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i was being admitted into the prison, i was already in an orange jumpsuit and i had just gotten my inmate badge. I never thought that prison would be such a big part of my life but i guess that if you rob a liquor store to feed your addiction then there's gonna be consequences. I had so much on my mind like "what's prison gonna be like?" "how am i gonna survive in here?" " what if i piss somebody off?". It was all stupid, I was over thinking.

Once i had gotten my bag with my pillow and sheets, me and a small group of other inmates were led to a prison van witch was driven by an inmate with small curls in her short brown wavy hair, she had bright red lipstick on along with sunglasses covering her brown eyes. The van was small and uncomfortable with the 3 other inmates sitting next to me, i had my bag in my lap with my legs crossed, i was trying not to make eye contact with anybody considering i was nervous and scared.

The inmate that was driving started to talk to me.

"so redhead, whats your name? Everybody uses last names here. Im Morello but you can call me lorna." She looked back at me through the mirror above the windshield.

I stutter as i try to talk. "M-Me? oh.. im carter but my first name is ivy" Shit, she's gonna think im weak since i couldn't talk straight, fuck.

"oh that's a pretty name, very pretty. you remind me of that one dc villain, you've got the hair and everything"

Once we got outside of the prison we were directed out of the van and to the entrance, lorna opened the door outside and she led us into the building, she talked about how to the dorms were restricted unless we were in khaki. she led each of  the other inmates into their bunks, i was the last. i was formed with a bald lady named rosa, another women named demarco and a girl with frizzy golden blonde hair named Nicky. she was busy reading a book while listening to her personal radio with her earbuds in so she didn't introduce herself, lorna gave me a toothbrush, toothpaste and a bar of soap before leaving. i was told about all of the rules and about count time and the meal times.

"Nicky just got back from maximum security for drugs, i wouldn't piss her off if i were you" demarco laughed before having a cough attack

"she's kidding, Nicky is harmless. it's red you gotta watch out for and don't insult the food in front of her" rosa said before laying back down

"noted, just keep to myself and i'll be fine" i sigh and i start making my bed to match Nicky's bed

about 15 minutes later the light bulb at the entrance of every door goes red and a guard yells "COUNT TIME LADIES"

"stand at the end of your bed until the red light goes off" demarco got out of her bed and stood there quietly, i followed her direction. Nicky and rosa did the same. 

"who's the ginger?" Nicky said as she looked me up and down

"oh..i'm carter, my first name is ivy" i nervously look at Nicky, god she is hot, and her hair is amazing.

One of the guards come into our bunks and clicks his clicker 4 times before leaving, the red light goes out and we are instructed to go to the cafeteria for dinner, it was only 5:00 so it was a bit early. We all grab our trays and Nicky leads me to a table with a few other inmates, there was piper, lorna,alex, boo and Nicky. Piper was skinny and blonde, alex was skinny,tall and she had black hair. Boo has short black hair and she was bigger. i sat down next to Nicky since people were already sat next to lorna and she was the only other person i knew.

"this is ivy. but my nickname for her is poison ivy" lorna chuckled as she ate her food

lorna had introduced me to everyone and by the time she was done, dinner was over so we all had to stack our trays and leave the cafeteria.

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