chapter 15

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one of my favorite things is being high.. it was better then sex, not nicky's sex though. hers was always better.

heroin always helped me escape. i would always go back to heroin, i would choose heroin over anything.

nicky was like my heroin, she was addicting and she took me away but this time i gave into real heroin...she was real enough, she was perfect but i needed more.

i shot up in the bathroom, i was high for the first time in a very long time, i fucking missed it and i gave in so easily.

"hey kid, where are you going? counts soon" nicky snaked her arms around my waist as i was walking out of the dormitories.

"bathroom. i've gotta pee." i replied, looking down at her hands

"your stuff isn't with you"

"i must've forgotten it."

i took her hands off of me and i continued walking.

i locked myself in a stall that still had its door..surprisingly. i took out my baggie of heroin and i opened it, i thought about doing it but instead i dropped it in the toilet and flushed it.

i returned to my cube just in time for count.


i kept my head down when we were at dinner a few days later. i was going through withdrawal and it wasn't pretty. i was hoping nobody would notice but when your dating an ex-junkie she knows and it's hard to hide it. she wasn't particularly happy with my decisions either.

once breakfast was over we were directed back to our bunks but nicky pulled us into an empty broom closet instead.

"hey, what the hell were you thinking? i thought we were staying clean for eachother" nicky slightly raised her voice

"i'm sorry.. i'm really fucking sorry. it was just there." i told her

"no more, alright? no more."

i nodded, sliding down the wall and sitting in the floor, nicky sat next to me.

"it's just so hard, you know? it's hard to stay clean in here." i looked over at her

"i know it is, i know."

we stayed in the closest for half an hour. we got up and went back to our cubes, she went to hers and i went to mine.

hey besties, i know this chapter is super super short. idk what to write about and it's been awhile so i just wanted to get somthing out - author

my drug (oitnb//nicky nichols)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant