L)A new friend

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For next week, or week and half , I don't know, I went to a coffee shop every day. I wanted to talk to someone outside of the team, to take my mind off him. Nick and I, actually, became good friends. I told him some little things he didn't know about me and he told me about his life. How he has a younger sister, a 4-years-younger sister, that he loves and will always be there for her. He told me about his relationship with his parents that wasn't so good, but he didn't complain much. His sister made it better and he's very thankful for her. He told me about his, now, ex-girlfriend and that he left her after she cheated on him with his very good friend. Of course, they're not friends anymore. She begged him for forgiveness, but he rejected her. She was always bad for him, but he only realized it now. He had a hard life, but he kept a smile on his face. I respect that. I can understand him about some parts and I know partly what he is going through.

I walked into a coffee shop. Nick handed over the coffee. The man took it and walked over to the free table. He smiled as he saw me.
"You'd think you'd be bored of me by now..."
"Trust me, you'll get bored of me before I get bored of you."
"It already happened." I put my hands on my heart pretending I was hurt, "so what can I get for you, a customer I never saw before? Hot chocolate maybe?" I walked over and took my usual seat by the counter.
"Actually no." I smiled.
"No?" He said a bit in shock.
"No, I'll have a tea," I said and he nodded.
"Which one darling, there's a whole bunch of them," he said, trying to copy the British accent. I smiled.
"Chamomile tea," I copied him. He turned around and made tea. I was always sitting at the counter so I could talk to Nick. I would never interrupt him when he had a customer, but when there was none, him and I talked and laughed a lot. I even started to remember some of the regulars.

An old lady with a Chihuahua in her purse would come every day at the same time and order a black tea. She would always give us a biscuit and I would always pet her dog. His name was James, long for Jim, short for Gabriel. Or simply Prongs.
"Here dears," she said and gave us a biscuit. Nick gave her her tea and she left.
"I love her," I said, putting the biscuit in my mouth.
"You say that just because she gives you biscuits." Nick rolled his eyes, while he was washing some of the cups.
"That's not true!"
"Okay, then it's only because she has a dog." He smiled.
"Maybe," I said and drank my tea. "So what's new since yesterday?"
"Nina came over last night," his sister, "and she talked to me about college and her boyfriend and everything going on in her life." I nodded.
"She likes living on campus?"
"With our parents, who wouldn't?"
"Fair," I said and he smiled.
"And with you?"
"Absolutely nothing. I had a training, then I read a book and went with Nya and Pixal for lunch. And bored Jay a little bit."
"So usual stuff?" I took a sip of my tea.

"Mhm... When your shift ends, do you want to go to the movies?" I smiled.
"Yeah sure, what do you want to watch?"
"I don't care, you choose." He smiled evilly.
"We are definitely watching horror then."
"You know I hate them!"
"And why do you think I want us to watch it?"
"You know what!? Fine! I can watch horror! I'm sure if I fought with snakes, onis, etc I'm sure I could see some stupid horror." A customer walked in.
"Whatever you say," he said and walked over to the customer to serve them.

I took a sip of my tea and looked around the coffee shop. It had 4 customers sitting at their tables. Two of them were alone. One of these two, a guy, was on his laptop doing something, the other one, a girl, was reading a book. I smiled to myself. There was, I'm guessing, a couple talking to each other and laughing. They looked happy. He was having a black coffee and she was having a hot chocolate... I heard their order.
"Hey?" Nick snapped his fingers in front of my face and I flinched. I turned around towards him, "what are you watching?" He said, looking at the way I was looking a seconds ago.
"Nothing!" He didn't stop looking at them, "don't stare!? They'll think you're crazy." I said, pushing his head to the other side with my hand. He looked upset at me.
"You'll find someone new. You know that, right?"
"As soon as I get over him, maybe." I said, looking at my hands. I played with my ring.
"If I can get over my girlfriend, you can get over your boyfriend." I raised my head. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I'm happy I met him.

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