XXVI)Fake it 'til you make it

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Tears were coming down my cheeks. I couldn't control them. I was kneeling In front of Harumi, who was still holding my dagger against my throat. I felt pain, but much worse pain than getting stabbed or getting hit by an energy ball. My heart was... I felt like... My heart felt as if someone was trying to crush it with their hands. I started shaking. I looked at my hands. They were sweating. No yn, you can't deal with it now. You need to stay calm. Breath in, breath out. Okay... okay... I stopped shaking. I can't believe I fell for this. What is with me and being used by guys!? I looked up at him and he was smiling. I can't believe he doesn't have a little bit of sympathy.

"Can you at least tell me the truth!? I think I deserve that much." My voice was cracking from crying, but I didn't let that stop me.
"You don't deserve anything! But you're lucky because I have to wait for my team and, of course, Lloyd, so why not make it fun at least. Seeing pain on your face while telling you how nobody loves you is definitely going to cheer me up." That hurt, but I didn't react. I didn't want to give him that pleasure.

"When I was a kid my parents were killed by you and you're friends because you couldn't handle that snake, but Garmadon could. And instead of keeping him here, so that he can protect us, you just had to sacrifice him, didn't you.'' We actually didn't do that, but why bother. "So I found people who think same as I do. I even found a way to bring him back, but the only problem was that third mask. The only one protected by oni's themself. So I did some searching and found out that Lloyd has oni's blood, so that means I'll need him for this idea. I needed him anyway, so this will just help me out a little. I just needed a plan to get to him. That is where my "parents" had to step in. I beg them to hire you so I can get close to Lloyd. I even prepared myself for being gay..." When he said that, everything became clear to me.

"Oh my god", I got up. Tears stopped coming down my face, but my eyes were still watery. "But he didn't show up, did he? So you had to find someone else. You couldn't go for Morro. You didn't know almost anything about him. Jay and Cole were in a relationship, so that leaves me. As the only one you know something about, without a boyfriend and most of all a girl. So you didn't have to fake your sexuality." I tried to step forward but he just raised the dagger and and shook his head. "Tell me now, was I, no I am, just a guinea pig, aren't I!? You're now waiting for them to come so you can switch me for Lloyd!?"
"What a smart girl you are." He said, having that stupid smirk of his on his face.
"I can't believe you." I wanted to strangle him, but because of the dagger, I couldn't. "Just out of curiosity, did you ever feel something towards me?" I know the answer, but still I need to hear that.

"Of course not!" He said, laughing. I knew that, but hearing it, it's like someone stubbed me a few times. I turned around I couldn't look at him. Tears started coming out again. Breath, breath...
"And that's not even the funniest part," he started laughing, "you dated me, the person who doesn't even like you, while at the same time there was pearson who would kill for you." I turned over.
"What?" I said, but my voice was all shrill from crying.
"Can you stop crying, it's so annoying." He said and rolled his eyes. This son of a bitch. With a quick movement of my hand, I twisted the dagger out of his hand and took it, and now I threatened him with it. He looked a bit shocked.
"Oh, no powers, no weapon. What will you do." I imitated him. "Now, what do you mean person ready to kill for me!?" I said, steping forward with a dagger against his throat. He was still smiling as he took a step back. I know he probably has the other one too, but still, I'll try my best.

"You don't know?" He was playing dumb and that irritated me the most. I moved my arm torward him. "Easy darling, if you get me killed you'll never find out."
"Don't call me darling. Right now there's only one person that can call me that."
"Who?" He raised a brow. "Morro?" I opened my eyes wide. No.
"Does he!?" I said, going towards him. He was trying not to get killed by a dagger so he was walking backwards.
"Does he what?" He was still playing dumb.
"Just answered the god damn question. Does Morro have feelings for me!?"
"I don't know." I was still walking towards him when he hit the wall.
"No where to run YoUr MaJeSTy?" I said and now the fear was showing on his face. I didn't need the answer about Morro. I'll ask him myself. All that I want right now is him feel the pain that I'm feeling, but I can't do that, so cutting few holes in his arms will do  the job. Before I could do that, he spoke up.

"He does." I lowered down my dagger. I didn't expect him to talk, so I was in shock. I looked him in the eyes ready to hear his laughing or something that would tell me that he is just lying and trying to hurt my feelings again. But nothing came out of him. Morro has feelings for me!? How did I not notice that? Oh my god, I reached Kai's level of stupidity. And I even told him that I'd never be with him. Shit. No, I can't think about that, I have other things to do right now. I raised back up my dagger.
"Thank you for answering me, but it'll be the last thing you did."
I tried stabbing Harumi, but before my dagger got to his chest something hard hit my head and everything went black.

Morro's POV:

We're flying so sloooow. I was really frustrated, but no one seemed to care. The only one that was agitated like me was Jay. He had been walking in circles for the past 5 minutes mumbling something to himself. Cole was trying to calm him down while the little Cole or baby Wu, they find out that I don't know how, but right now, I really couldn't care less about that, was running around him. But Cole didn't really succeed in it. Nya and Pixal were trying to get Zane, who was lying on the kitchen table, to work and they actually succeeded. Zane got up and was looking around. When he spotted Pixal, a big smile was on his face. He jumped off the table and ran up to her and hugged her.

"Whaat... How...?" He tried to speak without letting go of her. He sounded scared, like he would lose her again.
"One time when you were in Nya's cave, I got in a samurai x suit and built myself a new body." She said, still hugging him. He broke the hug so he could look at her.
"Why didn't you tell me, us earlier?"
"I didn't want you to get disappointed or angry. I was scared of your reaction." She said without looking at him in the eyes. He hugged her again.
"I gave you half of my heart. I would never be angry or disappointed with you. I just wish you had said it earlier so you didn't have to hide." I looked over to Cole, who was smiling.

"Are they a couple?" He glanced at me, grabbing master Wu's hand so he would stop running. He looked back at them.
"Yes, well technically no, actually maybe or not officially. Ugh, I don't know really, but I would not try anything with Pixal, that's for sure."
"He won't try anything with her anyway. He's in love with someone else." Jay said, coming towards us. I guess the attack of crazy walking thing stopped. He was winking at me. I didn't react and just continued to speak with Cole.
"How then he gave her half of his heart if they're not even a couple." He looked at me and laughed a bit. What's funny?
"He didn't mean metaphorically, he really gave her half of his heart." What? "It's not like heart, heart, I mean it is to them, but it's not really human heart." Am I supposed to understand this or? He realised that I had no idea what he had just said, so he tried again. "It's like.."
"Oh my god you're hurting my brain and I even know what you want to say. Life source of nindroids- them. It's like a battery, but in a fancier way," Jay said. Cole rolled his eyes and Jay stuck out his tongue towards him.

I looked back at them. They were still hugging. Whatever they have, or what ever they are, looks like real love. Lloyd came running, breaking my thoughts and their hug.
"We're here," he said, and we all stormed out on deck.
It looked exactly the same as the rest of the Forest except it had a giant cliff with tinny opening in the middle. And in that opening someone was standing. Harumi. I want to strangle him, he was all this time he was quiet one and he didn't tell me, us, he used it against me! He was waving at us. We got closer and he spoke up.
"Fast Yn is hurted. Lloyd come here and help me out." He is really good at acting I give him that.
"Drop the act. We know you're a quiet one." Kai screamed.
"Okay." He said, rasing his hand and snapping fingers. "Lloyd better come here or she really is going to get hurt." He said as that purple girl walked out and was holding unconscious yn in her arms.

We all started running towards the edge of the ship so we could get to him. He raised his arm and the girl went closer to the cliff. We all stopped.
"Did you not understand when I said LLOYD. If any of you try to get close to me or her," he showed yn with his hand. "She will drop her." Lloyd turned over and looked at us.
"I'm going in." Of course you are.
"No," Kai said. "I'm not letting you go again."
"I have to, Kai." he said, trying to pass his boyfriend. No one else said a word. Everyone knew if Lloyd intended something he will do it. Kai grabbed his hands.
"No, we'll think of something else."
"No, we won't. She did that for me. I need to do the same for her. I can't not do the same for her, I would feel like a bad person or even worse, a bad friend." He said and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek and jumped over to Harumi. Kai wasn't happy about it, but he understood his boyfriend's actions. Nya went over and hugged him. Lloyd was walking in a cave with Harumi and the purple girl going out of our sight.

Something In The Wind (Yn×Morro)  #legoninjagofanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now