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Yn's POV:

His soft lips were again prest against mine. I waited for this moment for so long, and so did he. We were hungry for each other, neither wanting to stop the kiss or even take a breath. This was the first time we kissed knowing we had feelings for each other. And that feelings not being hate. I felt sparks that I never felt before. I wasn't hallucinating. Morro's kisses were definitely better than Harumi's. They were full of desire and passion. While we were kissing, we took a small amount of breaths between each kiss. He was gentle at the beginning, but now he wasn't, and I didn't mind it. We both wanted each other and we made it clear to each other. My hands were around his neck so he was as close as possible to me. One of his hands was in my hair playing with it as he was also holding me as close as he could. The other one was on my face, making circular motions on my cheek with his thumb.

I felt pain in my chest. We both broke a kiss and made a few staps back.
"My powers!" We both said at the same time, looking at our hands, but unlike me, he sounded happy.
"They're back?" I asked, scared. Because if they weren't, I definitely lost his powers.
"Yes," he said happily. I ran over to him to hug him and kissed him. He swung me around. I immediately stopped kissing him, but I was still in his arms.
"So you're gonna tell me I was without them for like a month and all I had to do was kiss you to get them back!?" He was smiling at me, "or worse you just didn't have them for six days and you already got them back!?"
"Your problem, not mine." He said and I hit him. "Auu"
"Now it is." We were both smiling. Oh, I could stay like this forever. I feel safe next to him. I know I can trust him, that I can depend on him, that he will always be there for me no mather in what relationship we were.

"Wait, wait, I forgot something..."
"What?" I looked at him scared.
"It's your birthday." I felt like a rock fell from my heart. I really got scared there for a second. He smiled, so did I, and pulled me in for a kiss. He quickly broke it. "I didn't buy you anything..."
"Yes you did. This watch?" I raised my hand to show him.
"That doesn't count. It was from all of us. I have to give you something special. You're my girlfriend, finally." I was just standing there looking at him admiring him and I just couldn't stop smiling. He is unreal.
"Don't be silly, it's enough." I kissed him again. "But for the record, you have to take me out for dinner if you want me as a girlfriend."
"Really? I almost got killed for you and I have to take you out for dinner if I want you to be my girlfriend? Yeah I don't know, that sounds like too much work..." I sarcastically gasped and put my hand on my heart.

"So did I! And don't forget: made me cry multiple times BEFORE you were with Brittany. I lost my powers because of you, I had giantnormes bruise, I had been chaptured by you and I'm sure there's more..." I said putting my finger on my chin.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry for making you cry. I didn't want you to lose your powers. I didn't say it then, but I'm really sorry for that bruise. I would never have done it on purpose. Not even then, you meant a lot to me before too, but I just couldn't tell why, but now I know." He kissed me on the forehead," I still won't take charge for capturing you. That was your idea!" I smiled.
"Don't worry, I have already forgiven you for all of that. I just wanted to win who got hurt more," I stuck out my thong at him. "And I'm sorry for hurting you that time in the castle. I really shouldn't have said it. I was just angry and I don't know..." I looked down. He lifted my chin.

"It's okay that shouldn't be bothering you really and don't worry, I'm taking you out for dinner, that's for sure. We should go today! That will make it a birthday dinner and that could be your present. Unless you actually want a real one?"
"I would love that and no I don't need another present thank you." I put my head on his chest. He jawned.
"Oh you should really go to sleep. You were awake the whole night." I let go of him and he nodded. I tried to walk away, but he pulled me back into his arms.
"Do you really think you're going to leave? I finally have you here with me and I'll never let go of you."
"Don't worry, I'm not leaving you, but I still don't want to bother you while you sleep."
"You won't. You can read one of your books. You like to do that." He hugged me, so I could know there was no chance I was leaving him. I sighed.
"I hate how much you know about me and I don't know anything about you."
"If you lie with me I'll answer some of your questions before I fall asleep."

"Okay." He let go of me and went into the bathroom to change. I grabbed one of my books and laid down on his bed. He walked out and laid down next to me, putting his head on my stomach. I smiled to myself. He's just adorable. He covered himself and with that he covered half of me.
"So what do you want to know?"
"So let's see what you know about me... You know I hate coffee and I know you love it. You know my birthday and so do I yours. You know my favorite color and I know yours. You're an only child. You grow up in foster care before Wu took you. That was around the age of 7 and until 20 you trained to become a wind ninja and possibly green ninja. And then you find out you aren't a green ninja, so you swear to find a great Masters tomb to prove master Wu wrong. You didn't have a team. You always worked alone even though Wu tried to make you one. What else do I know..?" He raised himself and looked at me in shock.

"And you call that not knowing about me!?"
"But you also know that I don't eat breakfast and what I wanted as a gift..."
"I eat breakfast, but not a lot and I actually don't know what I want either... Also, I don't know if it matters to you, but I looove the smell of coffee. That's the main reason I started to drink it." He laid back down again.
"You do?! I love the smell of coffee too, but I still don't drink it. What else do you like?" I stroked his hair.
"I like the smell of just cut grass or rain and I know you love that too. I love sunrises and sundowns and so do you, but you love more sunrise because fewer people see them." He jawned, "I also love summer wind or that cold wind by the rivers."
"Okay, okay, it's enough. I see you're barely staying awake at this point, go to sleep." He didn't say anything and I'm sure he is asleep by now. I was still stroking his hair. I opened my book and started reading it. After a half hour, I caught myself falling asleep, so I closed the book and closed my eyes.

~I was in a dark room, I would say a cave, and there was only a small amount of light coming from 3 torches on the walls. I was alone. I looked around. This looks so much like a cave where the 3th mask was. Where I was alone with... Harumi! And there he was right in front of me. I tried to take one of my daggers but they weren't there.
"Didn't you learn already!?" He said spiping one of my daggers in his hand. Fuck.
"How am I here again!?"
"You'll have to thank someone else for that. They're running a bit late, but don't worry, they'll be here soon. After all, the other dagger of yours is with them. It would be rude not to return it and I know you are dying of the desire to meet them. If you can say meet..." What is he mumbling about?!
He walked towards me and I didn't move. I tried making an air ball in my hand but I couldn't. He saw me struggle and talked.
"Oh yeah, your powers are gone again, by the way." He smiled.
"Yes! Yes you'll have to thank the same person who brought you here for me..." Something is very very wrong. "Oh, look for yourself." He said and gestured me to turn around, and I did. Morro stapped in from the darkness with a dagger in one and an air ball in the other hand.
"Hi darling." He said smiling, "did you really think that I fell for you!? I mean I'm very convincing I learned from the best after all." He walked over to Harumi and shook hands with him.

"No.No!" My eyes started tearing and I started to shake.
"Ha she really did! She fell for the same trick twice!" Harumi laughed. They both started walking towards me with my daggers pointed at me. I tried to run out, but there was no exit. I hit the wall with my hands and, of course, nothing happened. I turned around and my back was leaning on the wall of the cave.
"Oh darling, you and running again. Didn't you learn anything!?" He shook his head. My chest were going up and down fast. I lowered myself to the ground. And they both squatted. I shifted my gaze from one to the other. Harumi first got close and kissed me. I tried to get out of it, but I didn't manage. Morro repeated it, but he pushed his tongue in my mouth and explored it. I enjoyed his kiss like I always do and I hate that. He broke the kiss.
"She's a good kisser, you have to say it."
"She is. But now the more important part," Harumi said and went with a dagger towards me. I looked at Morro hoping for help, but of course, that didn't happen.
"Good bye Yn," Harumi said. I closed my eyes. I can't believe this is how I will die, but I'll finally have some peace. I felt multiple sharp pains in my body.
"Yn, yn,yn..."I heard Morro saying. "I'm not even a little bit sorry. I'll have wind power all for myself and I'll finally become a green Ninja all thanks to you and your gullibility." He said and I again felt a sharp pain.~

I was shaking or some was shaking me. I opened my eyes and saw Morro. I quickly moved to the corner of the bed and hugged my legs. I put my eyes on my knees.
"Please not again..." Tears were running down my face and I was shaking so much. He put his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him. He looked anxious.
"Yn what wrong!?"

Something In The Wind (Yn×Morro)  #legoninjagofanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now