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I waited for it to be six am because I knew that's when her alarm goes off so I'll be sure that I didn't wake her up. While I was waiting, I went into the kitchen and made myself a coffee. When I was alive I drank coffee at least two times a day, but in the cursed realm there was no coffee, so I had to get used to living without it. I raised up the coffee to drink it, but before that I had to smell it. I love the smell of coffee. I don't know why I just do. I looked over at the clock and I saw it was 6:10 and I went towards the door, but at the same time someone was coming down the hall. In 5 euros(idk what money they use) that's yn. It was yn.

Yn's POV:

I walked in the kitchen and saw Morro with a cup of coffee in his hands. I hate coffee. I just can't. It tastes awful, but I love the smell of it. It's too quiet. What am I supposed to say? Do I immediately get to the point or?

"Do you want some?" Thank god he broke the silence. I set down.
"No I..."
"Oh yeah you don't drink coffee. I forgot,"  He knows that? I don't think anyone knows that even though I have said it many times.
"Can you sit please, I need to apologize to you?"
"You're apologizing to me?" He said, sitting down.
"Why are you in shock?"
"I never expected a good guy to apologize to a bad one ever. Even when the good guy is wrong, the villain is the one apologizing. So I was ready to say sorry to you."
"Morro, you're not a bad guy anymore and I was wrong, so it's normal for me to apologize," I made a little pause," I'm really sorry. I didn't mean that. I was just so angry I wasn't thinking straight."
"It's okay Yn," yn? " I already forgive you, and I'm sorry that I hurt you like that. I didn't mean to do that."
"It's okay," I really didn't care right now.
I'm so happy we made up. I was smiling and so was he.

Morro's POV:

"So you told her?" Kai said, walking in,but with the wind I sent him back to the hall.
"Told me what?" Fuck fuck fuck.
"I don't know what he is talking about," I said, rushing towards the hall and Kai.
"Did you already forget what I said to you last night!?" I should have killed him in that cave.
I pinned him to the wall with the wind.
"Ouch?! I thought you changed your mind and said it to her." I can't with these people.
"I didn't and don't you dare do it," I said, letting him go.
"I think I speak for the whole team when I say that no one will tell her your feelings for her except you."
"You have to think of something so she doesn't suspect anything." He rolled his eyes and walked in.

Yn's POV:

I have been texting with Rumi the whole time since we left. We talked about everything and I just couldn't get enough of him. And he even asked me on a date, but I literally don't have what to wear. I'm going to cry.

I asked Nya for help as the only girl in the group, but I also asked her so she would stop thinking about the samurai x suit that someone stole. I have already told her that if they're on our side, which they are, she shouldn't care, but she really wants to know the identity of them and she's going crazy because of it. Thank god she helped me pick the outfit, or otherwise I would go in my ninja suit. I had some black dress that I wore once at some new year party and never again. I thought I looked bad in it, but with Nya's whole speech about how I'm just dumb, I put it on. I did my make up not too much because I'm actually bad at it, but I had to put eyeliner on. That's my favorite part of make-up and the only one I can do right.

I'm waiting for him In front of the restaurant that he booked. I asked Pixal to search for it for me. At that time, I thought it would be some little place so he didn't attract so much attention, but I was wrong. It was some big, expensive restaurant that I had never heard of before because only famous people can go in it. Which confused me. How am I not famous? (she's just being for real)

I was scared when he didn't show up on time, but as the queen said, he's always late.
"Hey! I'm sorry I'm late. This is for you." He gave me a bouquet of hyacinths (or any other flower you like.)
"How did you know? That's like the only thing I didn't tell you?" I smelled it. "This is my favorite flower.."
"The only one that actually has a smell? Yeah I know. I have my way, darling," he smiled. I was in shock. I think that no one actually knows this. Only Zane maybe, but I'm not sure either. "Aaaand the way is someone from your team. Shall we?" He said, raising his hand so that I could give him mine. I did and we walked in.

Morro's POV:

"Where's yn? I was asleep and then she disappeared." I was walking in the living room rubbing my eye. Three ninjas were playing a video game. They love to do that, but I'm not a fan of it, I just don't get the hype.
"Oh you don't know?" Jay said with a grimace on his face. "I'm not the one telling him," he said and literally ran out.
"Jay, we're going to lose because of you!" Zane shouted.
"Telling me what?" I looked at Cole and Zane.
"Well, she's on a date," Cole fakely smiled.
"With who?" I said naturally. I probably already know who it is. I just hope I'm wrong, but I'm fine with this as long as she's happy. I'm too, right?
"Harumi," Zane said.

I had to leave the room so I didn't break anything with my wind. I walked on the deck and let the strong wind out of my hands. I was so angry for some reason. I can't change this. She likes him and I should really try to be happy for her. After all she'll never be with me and and... Someone woke me up while I was sleeping, asking me something. I stopped the wind. I even know what. I ran back to the living room.

"Who of you idiots made me help that other idiot that's on a date with yn," I was shouting now. Before, I was sorry for them, but now I'm not. I knew it wasn't their fault that yn was on a date with His MajEstY, but now someone was guilty. Everyone looked at me confused and I was getting angrier. I made an air ball in my hand.

"Someone better speak before I kill all of you!"
"We literally don't know what you are talking about?" Jay said.
"Someone woke me up and asked me what's yn favorite flower. When someone wakes me up I say something so they will leave me so I can continue to sleep. I would never say that if I knew what was going on. So who did it!?"
"I did," the voice behind me said. It was the other girl, Nya I think?  I stopped the wind.
"Why did you do that!?"
"The prince asked me if I could help him and I didn't know, so I went to you as someone who was in yn's head, you should probably know that, and you did. You even told me that she likes them because they're the only ones that..."
"Smells I know I know," I set down on the sofa. If he knew that she's definitely going to fall in love with him if she already didn't.

"I don't get why is that such a big deal?"
"Can we tell her?" Cole looked at me.
"It looks like she's the only one who doesn't know, so why not, one more or less," I said ironically.
"He's in love with Yn," Jay said and I just looked at him dead in the eyes.
"What? You said we could!" I rolled my eyes and leaned on the sofa back.
"Is this for real??" Nya said happily. I got up and went towards the door.
"Just tell me when I kill all of you, when one of you tell yn, do you want to have the same grave or separate ones?"
"Do you really have feelings for her?"
I didn't say anything and just left the room.

Maybe if I don't say or think about it really won't be true.

(People of Ninjago fandom, please do not attack me. I'm sorry if she sounds like pick me just because she can't do her make-up because she doesn't know how. I promise she isn't one, she's just too dumb)

Something In The Wind (Yn×Morro)  #legoninjagofanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now