XV)It's always about the powers

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I didn't move. Of course he knows.
"I don't know what are you talking about."
I tried to bluff, but I don't think he believed me. He got up and sat on the edge of his bed.
"Darling, don't try to act dumb. When they left you, they came to me, I felt them. I got more powerful." I got up too. So he took them? "So why didn't you tell them?" I was getting angry.
"Why did you take them?" He looked confused. Who's playing dumb now?
"What do you mean took them? I never wanted them."
"Oh please, so it's by accident that I lost them while fighting you and they went straight up to you?" I was pissed. So was he.

He got up and came up to me. With his hand, he grabbed my chin. He lowered himself so now we were the same height. Fuck. I was looking him straight in the eyes. I was a bit scared, but now I know he won't hurt me.
"Listen, darling, if I could really steal powers, do you really think that your friends there would still have them and I would steal the only one I already had?" He got up and let go of my chin. He has a point. I hate that. He turned around and went to his bed and set on it again.
"So tell me now, why didn't you tell them?"
He won't stop asking, so it's better if I tell him right away. I sighed and looked at the floor.

"I don't know. It didn't feel like the right moment to say that. Now that they're gone, my powers, they'll make me stay home all the time or even get me out of the team." I looked back at him as he raised an eyebrow.
"Why would they do that? None of them had powers for a few days and they still fought me. Why wouldn't you?"
"It's not the same. I mean to me it is, but to everyone else it isn't. Nya never fought with us before she got her armour or her powers. Why would I be different? And also we knew the reason why they didn't have powers we don't know mine. If you didn't still them I could easily stay without them for the rest of my life." For the rest of my life. My eyes were burning so the tears were forming in them. Thank god it was dark so Morro couldn't see me. Why am I telling him this!?
"But darling..." He tried.
"There's no but and don't call me darling." I got under a blanket and turned my back to him. "Good night."
"Good night." He said and, I guess, lied down.

Morro's POV:

I have been lying for a few hours now. I think yn is asleep, but I'm not sure. Since Wu used that magic tea, something, I don't know, to turn me back into an alive person, I didn't actually sleep. I never did that when I was a ghost, so now it's strange to me.

Why can't she tell them? She really did everything she could for them, but she's scared that they'll turn their backs at the moment she is at her lowest. I turned to my side so I could look at her. She's definitely sleeping. Why doesn't she like to be called darling? I don't care anyway. She literally accused me of stealing her powers. Why would she think that I would do that to her? Does she really think that badly of me? Even if she does so, I don't care, I hate her. Why would it be different from her side? But I can't live without kissing her again. I guess I don't hate her that much. She literally tried to kill me as soon as she woke up. How could I not hate her? What am I talking about? But she didn't. What is wrong with me? Why would I even care? Just focus on the right things. I wish it was easy as it sounds.
I turned over on my stomach and buried my head in the pillow. When will the fucking sun rise? I lost breath. I forgot that now I need to breathe. I again turned on my side.

When I looked at her she got up quickly with fear on her face. Her chest was going up and down very fast. I got up too.
"Darling, what's wrong?" Yn.
"Nothing... nothing..." She said, now breathing slower, but she still looked scared.
"Don't lie to me!" Why does she lie so much?
"It's nothing!" She yelled, "just a bad dream, really, it's nothing. I'm sorry I woke you up." She lowered her voice. She got back to sleep. She didn't do that, but she doesn't need to know.

Yn's POV:

~That thing is chasing me, again, and this time it actually caught me.
"Again running darling?" Now I recognized who was chasing me. It was Morro. I was in his grip, ready to get killed, but instead he pulled me closer and kissed me. I felt relief when he did that. His hands were resting on my hips. Kiss lasted very long and I enjoyed every second of it. I was so happy to be alive and in his arms. He broke the kiss and said:
"I love you," I tried to respond, but he didn't wait for my answer and just stabbed me.~

I quickly got up. I was breathing heavily. I'm in my bed. It's okay, it's okay.
"Darling, what's wrong?" Shit, shit. I woke him up.
"Nothing... nothing..." I said, trying to sound convincing. I slowed down my breathing.
"Don't lie to me!" Why does he care so much? He hates me. Doesn't he? Of course he does. He literally punched me in my most vulnerable spot.
"It's nothing!" I yelled for some reason, "just a bad dream, really, it's nothing. I'm sorry I woke you up." I calmed down. I was pretending to get back to sleep so Morro wouldn't ask anymore questions. I didn't sleep anymore. I was just starting at the wall next to my bed. When will the sun rise?

No one's POV:

Alarms went off so Morro and YN jumped at the same time, both scaring each other. Morro first went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and dressed up for the day. Yn was waiting for her turn. When Morro got out she went in. She took a shower, a really cold one, so it would help her stay awake. When she was done, she brushed her teeth and got dressed. She didn't want to air dry her hair so she just let it out of the towel and went down to get an apple.

She walked in and said good morning to everyone. They all seemed a little bit weird, but she didn't pay attention to it. Morro was the only one not sitting at the table, he was standing next to the fridge leaning on the counter with a bowl of cereal in his hands.
YN went over to the fridge to get the apple. They were in the fridge because she liked to eat them cold. The moment she opened the door, Lloyd asked :

"YN? Why didn't you tell us you lost your powers?"

Something In The Wind (Yn×Morro)  #legoninjagofanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now