[🥀/🍊] Binded Lovers ~ Texasota

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RATED: Teen, Hurt Comfort, A bit of fluff, Trans Minnesota and Texas
PAIRING: Minnesota x Texas
SUMMARY: I don't hc MN as trans normally, this is an AU, but yea supportive boys


No one's pov-

Minnesota woke up to the sound of his alarm. It was an off day but he still wanted to be up early so he could be ready for the day. It was 7:30 and he was already heading to the shower. He grabbed his binder, Vikings jersey, white tee, and jeans before walking to the bathroom with his clothes infront of his chest.

He walked past the mirror without even glancing in its direction and started the shower. He locked the door and removed his clothes in front of the mirror. While trying to keep his eyes off of his body because, ew.

After he finished showering he slipped on his binder and boxers before putting on his jersey and jeans. He ran a comb through his faded purple hair, it was now brown with a slight purple hue.

He walked out of the bathroom with his stuff and back to his room and grabbed his hat and his phone.

He walked into the living room that was completely empty. No one was up yet so he decided to make himself breakfast.

He didn't really put much thought into how he cooked, whenever he did he just put a lot of love into it and it turned out well. He cracked an egg into a pan with oil just as someone walked into the kitchenette area. They sat down and Minnesota could feel them watching him.

He sprinkled some pepper into the eggs before he started talking, honestly just assuming as to who was there. "Hey sconnie, ya want to make ya som-" he cut himself off as he looked up at Texas.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry Texas-" Texas waved him off. "Don't worry, none taken" Minnesota smiled softly before turning back to the eggs and putting them on a plate.

"Whelp, ya want any?" Minnesota looked at him. "If yer offerin then sure" they exchanged a nod and Minnesota cracked another egg into the pan and then walked over to the freezer to grab some sausage patties.

He put two of them next to the eggs and let them cook. Once they were done he put one on each of their plates and handed Texas a plate.

He turned around to grab the ketchup and Texas grabbed the hot sauce that was on the counter. Texas had a small moment as he watched Minne put ketchup all over his eggs.

They made eye contact for a second and Minne chuckled "ya don't do this down south or something?" Texas shrugged "maybe I just don't do it"

"It's the same thing you're doing with that hot sauce there, just milder," he said as Texas put hot sauce on his eggs.

Texas thought about arguing but he couldn't bring himself to it. Minnesota walked around the counter and sat next to him after turning off the stove.

They ate quietly but both of them took notice that they were both pulling on another piece of cloth under their clothes. Minnesota finished first and put his plate in the sink before turning to Texas.

"Heya this might be weird ta ask but-" Minnesota trailed off slightly. "Ask away partner"

"Are you wearing a binder-" they both froze for a minute.

"What?" Texas stared for a second. 'There's no way he knows- how does he know-?!' "Oh I just saw you adjusting your shirt a lot and I figured- sorry this is awkward isn't it?"

Texas nodded "no point in saying no I guess, just please don't tell no one- I'm only out to Gov-"

"Oh yea no yea don't worry, I'm not out to anyone either, my lips are sealed" Texas gave him a confused look. "You're- gay-?"

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