[🐁/🍊] Diaries and Hockey ~ MichiOhio

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RATED: Teen, Explicit Language, Cringe(?)
PAIRING: Michigan x Ohio
SUMMARY: they kiss 😱😱😱 and then they get caught 😢😢😢


No one's pov:

Michigan was almost certain he was just dirt under Ohio's shoe. They didn't care about each other enough to be in love, but oh how Michigan adored everything he did.

The way he chuckled, the way he smirked, even the way he glared. Michigan could not point out a flaw on the other man. But they hated each other. Like fire hates water, how the rain hates the rainbow. Opposites attract, this one sided act, Michigan's fire touching Ohio's water, just to feel the burn. To feel his skin gently melt into nothingness.

The touch didn't need to be intimate, Ohio could slap him across the face and well, he'd yell at him, but the voice in his brain would yearn for him to do it again. A handshake, a hug, a high five. Hell, Michigan could stab him in the chest and in his last words he'd finally breathe out his feelings, telling him to do it once again, to touch his heart literally once more before he left.

The states were immortal, he'd come back. But even if he didn't he'd be ok.

But they hated each other, Michigan's feelings would forever stay locked away in his chest, occasionally spilling out into notebooks.

Michigan opened his journal. A notebook bound with elastic. He clicked his pen and started writing...

'Dear diary,

he did it again today, he keeps wearing that red hoodie. I swear I almost excuse myself everytime I see him in it. It compliments his skin so well. Lightly tan skin and dark brown hair, contrasted so well with his bright red clothing. He's gotta know what he's doing to me. Being so perfect with no thought.

I'm rambling, I don't remember when I even got romantic. I mean yeah I've written poetry (see page 18) but it's always depressing and bad. It makes no sense how this one person can bring my emotions out. The fact that I've had to pour my feelings out into this book 32 times and counting because of him and his pretty face is disgusting.

I should slap him or something, he deserves it for doing all this to me. I'm drunk right now, but he makes me feel high and sober all at the same time. Brings out my absolute best side and I have to hide it behind glares and groans. Why can't he just be an asshole? Why can't I just hate him?!

Maybe I'm going crazy but—'

Michigan yawned and set down his pen. He leaned forward and lost the battle to sleepiness. He fell asleep on his notebook with his door wide open. No control over who could see his heart spilling onto the paper.

Illinois walked past the door and saw Michigan passed out. He sighed and decided to help. He walked over and picked Michigain up easily. He set him in his bed and put the blanket over him. The other rolled over.

'You're welcome bitch' he whispered before walking over to the desk. A diary? Damn.

Illinois debated reading it, but his better judgment lost and he skimmed over the paper.

Illinois stared at the cut off. Oh my god. Michigan is in love with Ohio?! He took a picture of the page and closed the book. Leaving quickly and closing the door behind him quietly. Wisconsin was down the hall and looked at him leaving Michigan's room sneakily. "What're ya up ta' there, Chicago?"

Illinois rolled his eyes at Wisconsin. "Had to put Michigan in his bed, he fell asleep on da desk." Wisconsin walked over to him. "What was he doin at the desk?"

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