[🐁/🍊] So I Can Kiss You? Duh? ~ SDbraska

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RATED: Teen, Language, Implies Sexuality
PAIRING: South Dakota x Nebraska
SUMMARY: lil announcement thing, also fair warning for minnesota playing the cool mom role just a bit/hj


No one's pov:

'He's so pretty' South Dakota thought as Nebraska did his little happy dance he did after he ate something he liked. It wasn't some big or elaborate dance, just a little jig he did in his seat. South Dakota loved how his partner expressed himself. If they weren't a secret he would've scooped him up and scattered them with kisses right then and there.

Apparently he was staring which made sense but North Dakota shook him out of it as a couple of people stared at them. Nebraska and Missouri were getting up already but the rest of them stared at South Dakota like he'd just snorted a line of cocaine in front of them.

'Would you all stop staring at me fer pete's sake."

"Well you looked like the walking dead. It's not our fault we stare at people who look doped up." South Dakota glared at ND before standing up and scraping off his plate.

He and Nebraska left the kitchen at the same time and went their separate ways for show before SD ducked into Nebraska's room.

"Neb can we tell them-" Nebraska stared at him. "Why?"

He hesitated on a better explanation but the original slipped out. "Because I wanna be able to scoop yah up and kiss ya without it coming at high shock value to the peanut gallery!!"

Nebraska paused before he laughed and pulled the other in by his shirt. SD pressed his lips into Nebraska's eagerly and pulled away quickly.

"Yes, like that!" Nebraska chuckled and let go of him. "Fine, but how do you propose we do that, cowboy?" South Dakota paused for a moment.

"Call a family meeting and steal Kansas's talking ranch!"

Nebraska thought about it. "How about we get someone else to call the meeting, and we just add that at the end." SD nodded quickly.

"Who though?" "Florida of course" they exchanged grins before they walked off to grab Florida.

"So you just want me to call a meeting and say filler so you guys can make an announcement?" They nodded. "Alright I'll get Loui!" And he left

"That worked surprisingly well," Nebraska shrugged. "He's easy to convince" SD chuckled and walked to the living room. Nebraska sighed and trailed behind. The anxiety was hitting him like a brick now.

Florida had somehow managed to gather most of the states by the time they were both there. No one had any idea what was going on. South Dakota sat next to North Dakota and Nebraska walked over and leaned against the wall. More people walked in and eventually all of the states and gov were there.

Nebraska looked at SD and he shot an 'I'm about to have a panic attack' look back at him. Nebraska mouthed 'just breathe' at him and he nodded before turning his attention back to Florida and Loui.

After a whole lot of talking a bunch of people were very much so ready to leave. Louisiana shot a threatening glare at California as he got up to leave and he sat back down.

"Ok ok enough is enough, I get it you're all bored so one last thing," Florida glanced at South Dakota and motioned for him to stand up. Everyone looked directly at him and his heart sunk. He stood up and walked over "I forgot who else was with you my bad" Nebraska crossed his arms and South Dakota chuckled as Florida sat down.

Nebraska walked over to him and stood next to him. South Dakota gulped and turned to Nebraska, he was obviously terrified so Nebraska sighed and started talking.

"So we have something to tell y'all-" South Dakota smiled as his partner took the lead, he stared at the floor in an attempt to hide this though. "And I'm not very sure how well this is going to go over here."

A couple of the southern states started whispering and no one had really caught on yet, well. North Dakota narrowed his eyes in a 'don't say what I think you're about to say' type of way.

"Goddamn that's a lot of people- ok bandaid rip it off-" South Dakota nudged him slightly in an attempt to comfort him. Nebraska smiled. "Alright we're dating, have been for like 6 months but that's none y'all's business." Nebraska sighed and hugged South Dakota. SD patted him gently to calm him down.

The eruption of whispers exploded. Even the supportive states looked shocked, reasonably I suppose, but still.

Nebraska caught an earful of the south talking about sinning and the devil, "could you shut the fuck up about Jesus for 3 seconds, he doesn't care who I fuck around with."

Half of the south looked absolutely offended at him and a couple of them accepted defeat. Florida and Louisiana gave them thumbs up which South Dakota honestly didn't expect but hey, at least they're chill. North Dakota walked over and ruffled SD's hair. "Thank you for at least choosing a tolerable state, I don't know what I would've done if it was Montana."

"Fuck you too North Dakota!!" Montana yelled from the back before walking out. North Dakota followed him to tease him and the couple laughed. California walked up to them.

"Congrats you guys, can't wait for the wedding" he gave a thumbs up and walked away, Nebraska went pink very quickly and South Dakota giggled at him. He tried looking away but SD grabbed his chin and kissed his lips gently.

Most of the states had left at this point, Kansas gave them a quick nod of approval before leaving and Nebraska smiled at him. Minnesota also walked up to the two and gave them a quick hug. "I'm so proud of you two, who's top I need to know," Nebraska blushed and pointed at South Dakota.

Minnesota chuckled "ok just remember to use protection, safety first and consent is key! Have a nice night you two" he said before walking away innocently. "Jesus Christ." Nebraska muttered and South Dakota laughed before sweeping him off his feet and carrying him back to their room to cuddle.


1049 words :)

Ty for reading sorry I didn't upload for like a week, I'm trying to write more but with work and only having motivation when I'm about to fall asleep it's not been the best, ty for being patient as well<3


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